Kissogram @ Mixxt features

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Kissogram @ Mixxt features por Mind Map: Kissogram @ Mixxt features

1. Events

1.1. upcoming shows

1.1.1. picture

1.1.2. weblink

1.1.3. location googlemap

1.1.4. date

1.1.5. pinboard

1.1.6. description

1.1.7. list of attendees

1.1.8. ticket shop

1.2. partys

1.3. archive

1.4. pinboard

1.5. rss

2. Community

2.1. overview

2.2. who is online

3. Videos

3.1. order

3.1.1. original clips

3.1.2. selfmade

3.1.3. on tour song name @ location year

3.1.4. interviews & broadcasts year

3.2. new playlist

3.3. my videos

3.4. embed

3.4.1. youtube

3.4.2. myspace video

3.4.3. sevenload

3.5. pinboard

3.6. rss

4. Photos

4.1. order

4.1.1. stage year location

4.1.2. kissogram privat

4.1.3. official photos

4.2. new album

4.3. my photos

4.4. up to 4MB

4.5. pinboard

4.6. rss

5. IFrame

5.1. aggregators

5.1.1. rss

5.2. chats

5.3. player

5.4. shop

6. Profile

6.1. personal Infos

6.2. pinboard

6.3. personal weblink

6.4. picture

6.5. friends

7. Forums

7.1. forums

7.2. categories

7.2.1. topics quote reply Subscribe to this topic via mixxt mail

7.3. rss

8. Wiki

8.1. order

8.2. version history

8.3. pictures

8.3.1. copy picture url

8.4. lyrics

8.5. k-Fansbook manual

9. Content Management

9.1. text

9.2. html

9.3. embed

9.3.1. kissogram songs

9.3.2. chats

9.3.3. videos

9.3.4. pdf

10. Files

10.1. order

10.2. up to 8MB

10.3. soundfiles

10.4. media

10.5. rss

11. Blogs

11.1. every one has one


11.3. rss

12. Main Page

12.1. html

12.1.1. player

12.1.2. shoutbox

12.1.3. quick links

12.2. platform overview

12.2.1. new members

12.2.2. intro message

12.2.3. new photos

12.2.4. shows

12.2.5. forum

12.2.6. Hugh

12.3. polls

12.4. lifestream

12.4.1. GGG

12.5. rss

13. Gggg

13.1. Gg

13.2. Hallo

13.3. Neue Idee ...

13.4. Herr Neuhaus

13.4.1. Wie funktioniert es?