Social Science 101
by telma salmassi

1. Imperosnal communication directed at a vast audience.
2. Socialization
2.1. Lifelong social experience by which individuals learn their role in society and their culture
3. Heuristics can lead to generalizations and stereotypes.
4. Individualism
4.1. Personal golas and preferneces take priority over group allegiances.
5. Collectivism
5.1. Cooperation and group harmony take priority over purley personal goals.
7. Parts of Eucation
8. Curriculum: "course of study", and content
9. Assessment: evidence of understanding
10. Different Orientations
11. Media
12. 1)Ethnicity (kinship and culture)
12.1. 2)Race ("sociorace")
12.1.1. 3)SES (socio economic status)/class