Course Curriculum

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Course Curriculum by Mind Map: Course Curriculum

1. Truth Of Education

1.1. How educators are expected to teach a certain way

1.1.1. Not allowed to teach what and how they want

2. Social

2.1. How America is A Salad bowl

2.1.1. Different Cultures and races all come together

2.2. Society Values Materialistic things

2.2.1. We use or title or name to get recognition for things

2.3. Society views beauty with Certain Physical Traits

2.3.1. We must be thin Have colored eyes Be blonde

3. Language

3.1. Expressing Ideas

3.1.1. How we communicate: Spoken or Unspoken

4. Ethnicity

4.1. Race (Sociorace)

4.1.1. Socio Economic Status

5. Methods of Teaching

5.1. People try to instill their habits into others

5.1.1. Family has a stronger influence

6. The Rest of the World View us very differently

6.1. They see us as busy people who do not value you the right things

6.2. Ours Values and traditions have vanished