by Stoyan Cheresharov

1. Video 9/40
1.1. HTML5
1.2. Create the HTML structure
2. Video10/40
2.1. CSS Layout
3. Video 11/40
3.1. PHP basics
4. Video 12/40
4.1. OOP with PHP
5. VIdeo 12.1/40
5.1. Create a project Cloud 9, GitHub, ZF2
5.2. Blog Post
6. Video Cloud Development. How To Participate In a Project. Use Codenvy (Exo IDE)
6.1. blog
6.2. How to contribute to a OSS
7. Cloud Development. How to contribute to a ZF2 Project, using Cloud 9. Simple, Easy, Fast.
8. Codenvy ZF2 Creating a Tutorial App. Simply Easy Fast
9. Codenvy ZF2 Tutorial App DB Form CRUD. Simply Easy Fast
10. Theory. IoC Inversion of Control, Di Dependancy Injection, SL Service Locator, Zend\Di
11. Event Manager and the Global Application Architecture
12. MVC in ZF2
13. GitHub Remove the sensitive data from the repo
14. Develop ZF2 app with Codenvy, phpcloud, GitHub, WinSCP without exposing your sensitive data
15. Participate in ZF2 app with Codenvy, phpcloud, GitHub, WinSCP without exposing your sensitive data
16. ZF2 creating Controllers Changing the Layout
17. ZF2 Creating a Module. Use Codenvy, phpcloud, GitHub.
18. Java Script basics. Objects and Functions.
19. Java Script Basics. Examples, DOM Manipulation, Remote Communication, Dynamic Behavior.
20. Video 1/40
20.1. MInd Maps
20.2. XAMPP installation (PHP development stack)
21. Video 2/40
21.1. CGI scripts
21.2. Zend Framework 1
21.2.1. How to install
21.2.2. CLI tool
21.2.3. Build a skeleton App
22. Video 3/40
22.1. Zend Framework 2
22.1.1. How to install
22.1.2. Build a skeleton App
22.2. Theory
22.2.1. Development stack installers
22.2.2. IDEs
22.2.3. Debuggers
23. Video 4/40
23.1. Theory
23.1.1. Cloud
23.1.2. Virtualization
23.2. How to use Zend asyour development stack
23.3. Git
23.4. RSA keys
23.5. SFTP connection
24. Video 5/40
24.1. How to use Zend asyour development stack
24.2. How to use PuTTY for tunneling
24.2.1. Local native IDE for debugging
24.2.2. Local native MySQL client