Google /Project Glass

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Google /Project Glass by Mind Map: Google /Project Glass

1. advantages

1.1. A Combination of technology and daily

1.2. convinence

1.3. laguage-technologcal connetion

2. disadvantages

2.1. the weight?

2.2. dangerous when it damaged

2.3. power?

2.4. health concern

3. background

3.1. Android-based

3.2. priced between $250 and $600(reference)

3.3. include 3G or 4G data connections

3.4. motion and GPS sensors

3.5. flash information

3.5.1. see elevation and direction information on their cockpit windshields

3.6. 16:9 aspect ratio 1GHz OMAP4430 processor

3.7. 1GB of RAM and 4GB of internal memory

4. application

4.1. style

4.1.1. voice control

4.1.2. show the information on the glass

4.2. skill

4.2.1. 26 multi-resolution camera

4.2.2. 28 light sensor for the camera

4.2.3. 46 adjustable earpieces

4.2.4. 50 display module

4.2.5. 52 display prism housing

4.2.6. 54 display prism

4.2.7. 70 textured touch-based input surface

4.2.8. 78 camera and sensor housing

4.2.9. 80 circuitry and battery housing

4.2.10. 82 communications port