Theories of Learning and Technology

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Theories of Learning and Technology by Mind Map: Theories of Learning and Technology

1. Connectivism

1.1. Basic Principles:

1.2. -Thinking and emotions influence each other.

1.3. -Learning has an end goal.

1.4. -Knowing where to find information is more important than knowing information.

1.5. -Currency is key.

1.6. Implications for Education:

1.7. -Students take control of their learning through social connections.

1.8. -Students build a personal learning network.

1.9. -Students share ideas through technology.

1.10. -Access multiple sources for information including; google scholar, blogs, and iTunes U.

1.11. -Students organize their own learning through the use of collecting information from multiple areas online.

2. Constructivism

2.1. Basic Principles:

2.2. -Learners build on a foundation of knowledge.

2.3. -Prior knowledge influences the new or modified knowledge that is constructed.

2.4. -Learners must develop metacognitive abilities to monitor and direct their own learning and performance.

2.5. Implications for Education:

2.6. -Guides students to formulate their own ideas and solutions to problems posed.

2.7. -Allows students to share multiple ideas from their own learning.

3. Behaviorism

3.1. Basic Principles:

3.2. -Uses both positive and negative reinforcements to shape behavior.

3.3. Implications for Education:

3.4. -Helps students learn new skills and condition behavior.

3.5. -Teachers can break large tasks into small segments to allow students to ease into the subject and be successful.

4. Cognitive Load

4.1. Basic Principles:

4.2. -Long term memory is unlimited and assists working memory.

4.3. -Working memory operates better when the information is presented in meaningful chunks.

4.4. -Repetition is key.

4.5. -Processes images and text separately.

4.6. Implications for Education:

4.7. -Teachers can use these principles to understand how much information to give to their students.

5. Media Ecology

5.1. Basic Principles:

5.2. -Media is part of our environment.

5.3. Implications for Education:

5.4. -Teachers can utilize media in their classrooms.


6.1. Basic Principles:

6.2. -Human action shapes technology.

6.3. -Analyzes the cause success and failure of tecnology

6.4. Implications for Education:

6.5. -Teachers can use this to present technology to students as social aspect of their lives.


7.1. Basic Principles:

7.2. -Attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers to acquire technology integration in the classroom.

8. Philosophy of Teachnology

8.1. Basic Principles:

8.2. -Focuses on using technology as a bridge.

8.3. -Technology can be used for investigation into subjects, and combines the skill of operating interfaces.