Austin Social Innovation Scene

Social innovation is a sustainable initiative, product or process which profoundly changes the basic routines, resource and authority flows or beliefs of any social system. Successful social innovations are therefore disruptive and have durability, impact and scale."

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Austin Social Innovation Scene por Mind Map: Austin Social Innovation Scene

1. Education

1.1. The University of Texas at Austin

1.1.1. McCombs School of Business McCombs Net Impact MBA McCombs Net Impact undergrad Social Innovation Courses Symposium on Marketer’s Role in Sustainability and Green Initiatives McCombs MBA CleanTech Group

1.1.2. Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs LBJ Center for Ethical Leadership RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service. Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy

1.1.3. The Dana Center for Education Leaders

1.1.4. Bridging Disciplines Programs: Social Entrepreneurship & Non-profits Advising

1.2. Saint Edwards University

1.2.1. School of Management and Business Mission Support Program The TXEntre Project MBA Course ENTP 6305: Social Entrepreneurship

1.3. Concordia University

1.3.1. Business school Ethics in Business Awards Community Partnerships

1.4. Acton School of Business (MBA)

1.4.1. Life of Meaning Courses

2. Non-Profit / Subsidized

2.1. DiscoverHope Fund

2.2. Casa Verde Builders by American Youthworks

2.3. Mobile Loaves and Fishes Habitat On Wheels

2.4. Zephaniah Community Development Corporation

2.5. Edco Ventures

2.6. KIPP Schools

2.7. Foundation Communities

2.8. English at Work

2.9. Urban Roots

2.10. Project School House

2.11. Makarios International

2.12. Ventana del Soul Cafe and Cultural Center

2.13. Mini Donations

2.14. The Khabele School

2.15. Capital Idea

2.16. Angel Food Ministries

2.17. Southwest Key: Café del Sol and Maintenance businesses

2.18. Goodwill Industries

3. Competitions

3.1. Dell Social Innovation Competition

4. Communites

4.1. Net Impact Professional chapter

4.2. Austin Solar Energy Entrepreneurs Network

4.3. Bootstrap Cause

4.4. FLOW / Conscious Capitalism

4.5. Net Impact UT Chapter

5. Publications

5.1. Giving City

5.2. Natural Awakenings

6. For Profit

6.1. Greenling Organic

6.2. Blue Avocado

6.3. Dominican Joe coffee shop

6.4. Cielo Water

6.5. RockRoom Wines

6.6. Eco-Wise

6.7. Austin EcoNetwork

6.8. Nile Valley Teas

6.9. Texas Pie Kitchen

6.10. Austin Car Share

6.11. Piryx

6.12. Ten Thousand Villages

6.13. Farm Direct

6.14. Resolution Gardens

6.15. Books Beyond Borders

6.16. My Father's Farm

6.17. AMD 50x15 Initiative

6.18. Convio

6.19. Daily Juice

6.20. Whole Foods

7. Goverment

7.1. OneStar foundation

8. Social Investors

8.1. Social Wealth Partners

8.2. PeopleFund

8.3. BiG Austin

9. Incubators

9.1. Mpower Labs

9.2. Austin Social Innovation Hub

9.3. IC2 Clean Energy Incubator

10. Events

10.1. TEDxUT

10.2. RISE Austin

10.3. South by Soutwest

10.4. Clean Energy Venture Summit

11. Private Foundations who support SI

11.1. Silverton Foundation

11.2. Austin Community Foundation

11.3. Aragona Family Foundation

11.4. A Glimmer of Hope Foundation

11.5. RGK Foundation

11.6. KDK-Harman Foundation

11.7. Dell Foundation

11.8. Michael and Susan Dell foundation

11.9. The Webber Family Foundation

11.10. MFI Foundation