Curriculum vitae

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Curriculum vitae by Mind Map: Curriculum vitae

1. Personal information

1.1. Date of birth

1.1.1. 4th December 1989

1.2. Place of birth

1.2.1. Krems a.d. Donau (Austria)

1.3. Citizenship

1.3.1. Republic of Austria

1.4. Gender

1.4.1. male

1.5. Marital status

1.5.1. single

2. Employment history

2.1. 2007 - 2008: Civil Service at Red Cross Krems

2.2. 2008: NÖ Festival GmbH: Festivalassistent at Danubefestival

2.3. December 2008 - October 2009: Umweltbundesamt GmbH (Environment Agency Austria): IT-Client-Support

2.4. Since December 2009 - Web Developer

3. Education

3.1. 1996 - 2000: Primary school Gföhl

3.2. 2000 - 2004: Secondary (sports) school Gföhl

3.3. 2004 - 2007: Commercial school Krems (Department of digital business)

3.4. Since September 2008: SAE Institute Vienna - Web Design & Development

4. Voluntary organization

4.1. Austrian Red Cross

4.2. Netzwelt

4.3. EPOS4

5. Contact information

5.1. Name

5.1.1. Markus Tiefenbacher

5.2. Address

5.2.1. Ordengasse 3/4, 1100 Wien, Austria

5.3. Telephone (mobile)

5.3.1. (+43 660) 216 88 83

5.4. E-Mail

5.4.1. markus [at] tiefenb [DOT] com

5.5. Blog


5.6. Xing


6. Reference

6.1. Netzwelt

6.2. EPOS4

6.3. Kindergarten Gföhl

6.4. GWH - Firma G. Tiefenbacher

6.5. Project Bioveritas

6.6. iTech

7. Skills

7.1. Software

7.1.1. Windows XP, Mac OS X, Linux Ubuntu (Server)

7.1.2. Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver

7.1.3. Illustrator, InDesign, Flash

7.1.4. Final Cut Pro (basics)

7.1.5. Aptana Studio/Eclipse

7.1.6. Balsamiq Mockups

7.1.7. Microsoft Office Suit

7.1.8. Maya (basics)

7.1.9. After Effekts (basics)

7.1.10. DVD Studio Pro

7.2. Programming language

7.2.1. XHTML/CSS

7.2.2. ActionScript 2.0

7.2.3. PHP/MySQL

7.2.4. JavaScript

7.2.5. jQuery

7.3. CMS (Wordpress)

7.4. Basics of Server and Networktechnics

8. Language skills

8.1. German

8.2. English

8.3. Basic Czech