Differences Between Input and Output Devices

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Differences Between Input and Output Devices por Mind Map: Differences Between Input and Output Devices

1. Input Devices

1.1. Examples

1.1.1. Scanners

1.1.2. Digital Cameras

1.1.3. Webcams

1.1.4. Touch Screens

1.1.5. Microphones

1.2. Benefits of Classroom Use

1.2.1. Students become familiar with equipment

1.2.2. Engages multiple learning styles

1.2.3. Gives teachers options for relaying information

1.3. Challenges

1.3.1. Incompatibility with other programs

1.3.2. Time for instructor to learn the equipment

1.3.3. Expenses

1.3.4. Delays in response time

2. Output Devices

2.1. Examples

2.1.1. Projectors

2.1.2. Speakers

2.1.3. Document Readers

2.2. Benefits of Classroom Use

2.2.1. Engages multiple learning styles

2.2.2. Provides multiple means of information to be given

2.2.3. Students become familiar with equipment

2.3. Challenges

2.3.1. Expense

2.3.2. Delayed response time

2.3.3. Time for the instructor to learn the equipment