Theft of Government Property Template (Law)

This is a template for use by an attorney or anyone who needs to speak publicly on a topic to keep track of the points he or she wishes to make. This specific example is for prosecutors or defense attorneys to know the elements of the criminal charge of theft of government property and of the elements of proof, witnesses, and documentary evidence related to each element.

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Theft of Government Property Template (Law) by Mind Map: Theft of Government Property Template (Law)

1. 1️⃣ Took the Property

1.1. Exhibits

1.1.1. 🔲 Apl’s Statement, Ex 2

1.2. Witnesses

1.2.1. 🔲. Jessie Day

1.3. Argument

1.3.1. 🔲 “Undisputed”

2. 2️⃣ Intent to Permanently Deprive

2.1. Exhibits

2.1.1. None

2.2. Witnesses

2.2.1. 🔲 Veronica James No authority

2.3. Argument

2.3.1. 🔲 Exclusive & unexplained possession of property

2.3.2. 🔲 Inconsistent Explanatioms from Apl

3. 3️⃣ Property of U.S.

3.1. Exhibits

3.1.1. ⏹️ Property Book Extract, Ex 12

3.2. Witnesses

3.2.1. 🔲 Veronica James Authenticate Ex. 6

3.3. Argument

3.3.1. 🔲 “Undisputed”