1. Getting Started
1.1. Welcome and Overview
1.2. Join the Investor Thrive discord community and Payneless Wholesaling Group on facebook to network!
1.2.1. Facebook group- Payneless Wholesaling Group
1.2.2. Join the Investor Thrive discord to network - https://discord.gg/WK5JvfHT4a
1.3. Payneless Wholesale Process
1.3.1. Find your buyer first and then find them a deal. This enables you to do deals with less marketing and be ethical while talking to sellers because you actually plan on buying it with a partner you know! This process gives you the confidence you need to effectively and efficiently do deals on a consistent basis! This course will teach you everything you need to know to do this process and get your next deal if you take massive imperfect action!
1.4. Our goal is to teach you the most effective way to wholesale real estate part-time so you can gain financial freedom and have more time for what truly matters in this life.
1.5. Setting up your business
1.5.1. Advice: If you are serious about starting this business and want to get an LLC set up, book a call with the #1 company that sets up wholesalers and real estate investors LLCs at cost! Book a call- https://www.primecorporateservices.com/ithrive/ PRIME Business Setup for Real Estate Investors During your one-on-one business assessment, one of our experts will evaluate your situation and goals to make sure you have the optimal setup for your specific Real Estate business needs. Our goal is to make sure you can save big on taxes even if you are just getting started, make sure you are protected personally from any business liability, and help you take advantage of the funding options you have as a business. Book a call- https://www.primecorporateservices.com/ithrive/
1.5.2. Benefits of setting up an LLC or business Entity Protect your personal assets You can have more tax write-offs Start building business credit
1.6. Download Materials necessary to succeed
1.6.1. Course Slides and Breakdown Purchase Agreement Assignment Agreement Networking with Buyers Script Cold Calling Script KPIs Ultimate Planner
1.7. If you need help finding a buyer for your deal we will JV with you
1.7.1. Submit your deal to https://sellyourdeal.io/
1.8. Address your limiting beliefs in yourself
1.9. 90 day action plan
1.9.1. Week 1 Day 1-3 Complete Mindset Course Determine your why Commit to making all the coaching calls and working at least 15+ hours a week (3 hours every weekday) Create routine and time block using ultimate planner in mindset course- consistency is the key to results Day 4-6 Finish the Payneless Wholesaling Blueprint Course Day 7 Protect your mindset and positivity by doing these things
1.9.2. Week 2 Set up your business and llc with prime corporate services Pick Your Market
1.9.3. Week 3 Start networking & find cash buyers! Join local in person real estate investing groups and go to a meet up in person once a week. Join online real estate investor groups. Find a local mentor that you vibe with and ask them to help you. Reach out to an investor friendly attorney & title company so you understand the laws and regulations of your state. Find 5 to 10 legit cash buyers to find deals for and use them to mentor you on what they want. Find 2 experienced wholesalers in your market and take them out to lunch for a networking meeting.
1.9.4. Week 4 Start prospecting and doing deals! Start Jving Make offers on the MLS Set up tools and skip traced lists for cold calling Build your marketing lists - The best list is the one you build Upload your lists into batchdialer (if using a dialer)
1.9.5. Week 5-12 For help with steps 5 through 10 of your 90 day Journey, join the Payneless Wholesaling Academy or Mentorship at https://investorthrive.com/ to get your next deal asap! These last steps require some additional training and guidance so to ensure your success, I have provided the best training available to help you get your next deal. Build up your pipeline and do deals using the blueprint and community for support What activities should I do daily?
2. Payneless Wholesaling Academy & Mentorship If you need help using the mind map, want to shorten your learning curve or get your next wholesale deal faster, join our academy or mentorship! https://investorthrive.com/
2.1. Payneless Wholesaling Academy members get....
2.1.1. All-In-One Deal Calculator & Analyzer Value: $349
2.1.2. Payneless Academy Courses & Downloadable Tools Value: $1,499
2.1.3. How to use Social Media to Get Secret Deals Value: $1,999
2.1.4. National Hedge Fund Buyers List Value: $999
2.2. Payneless Wholesaling Mentorship members get....
2.2.1. Text/Call Nathan's Private Number Value: $1,499 Text Nathan anytime on his personal cell phone (the SAME on his family & friends use) for help with anything that has to do with wholesaling! He will call you back if it is urgent or schedule a time to go over what you need help with
2.2.2. Group Coaching Call w/ Community Experts Value: $1,499 Super interactive and live training Monday through Friday about everything that has to do with wholesaling. From how to talk to buyers, sellers, fill out paper work, dispositions, lead generation, and more.
2.2.3. Members-Only Mastermind Community Value: $3,499 Get access to the most interactive online community of new and experienced wholesalers so you can network, do deals with others, get support, and level up!
2.2.4. All Premium Courses Value: $1,499 Everything from beginner to advanced training on how to master this business!
2.2.5. Nationwide buyers list of over 1.5 million buyers and over 150,000 skip-traced leads Value: $49,999
2.2.6. VIP Onboarding & 1-on-1 Battle Plan Call Value: $499
2.2.7. 1-on-1 Sessions as Needed Value: $20,499
2.2.8. Access to Funding & National Private Money List Value: $999
2.2.9. 12 hour Support & Drop in Calls Every Weekday Value: $3,499
3. ❌ I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content provided below and in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, electrical, financial advice, or other and may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify ALL information yourself with an attorney in your state or title company. ❌
4. If you found this information helpful, please leave me a review here (https://sotellus.com/r/investor-thrive/video/contact/ ) and follow us on our social media so we can help more people wholesale the payneless way! (https://22124583.hs-sites.com/link-tree )
4.1. Instagram- @nathanpayneofficial
4.2. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel- Nathan Payne Investor Thrive TV
4.3. Join the Investor Thrive discord to network - https://discord.gg/WK5JvfHT4a
4.4. Payneless Wholesaling Podcast- https://rss.com/podcasts/payneless-wholesaling/
4.5. Linked in- Nathan Payne or Investor Thrive
4.6. Tik Tok- Investor_Thrive or Costco_Nate
4.7. Facebook friend request or message me- Nathan Payne
4.8. Twitter- @Investor_Thrive or @nathanpaynerei
4.9. Facebook group- Payneless Wholesaling Group
4.10. Email me- [email protected]
4.11. Website- https://investorthrive.com/
5. Resources from each step
5.1. Getting Started
5.2. STEP 1. Mindset
5.2.1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FN0PC-CFD_7u7r3MvGTzJLN1typt8Uzx?usp=sharing
5.3. Step 2. Pick Your Market & Set Up Your Business
5.3.1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xMlZkBSj5xZFliJy6oZ6j5psrU3Msyfd
5.4. Step 3. Network & Find Cash Buyers
5.4.1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/151bMpKD80EXEbGIKSiSHYabwsTJ7qZkx?usp=share_link
5.5. Step 4. Marketing & Lead Generation
5.5.1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qYV7ymLTrGClXsxG7khjaXI3wb6kuSqz?usp=share_link
5.6. Step 5. Prospecting & Making Offers
5.6.1. For the resources for steps 5 through 10 of your 90 day Journey, join the Payneless Wholesaling Academy or Mentorship at https://investorthrive.com/ to get your next deal asap! These last steps require some additional training and guidance so to ensure your success, I have provided the best training available to help you get your next deal.
5.7. Step 6. Once you find deals, analyze them
5.7.1. For the resources for steps 5 through 10 of your 90 day Journey, join the Payneless Wholesaling Academy or Mentorship at https://investorthrive.com/ to get your next deal asap! These last steps require some additional training and guidance so to ensure your success, I have provided the best training available to help you get your next deal.
5.8. Step 7. Bring deals to your buyers
5.8.1. For the resources for steps 5 through 10 of your 90 day Journey, join the Payneless Wholesaling Academy or Mentorship at https://investorthrive.com/ to get your next deal asap! These last steps require some additional training and guidance so to ensure your success, I have provided the best training available to help you get your next deal.
5.9. Step 8. Market the deal out if your buyer isn't willing to pay enough or if you think you can get more money
5.9.1. For the resources for steps 5 through 10 of your 90 day Journey, join the Payneless Wholesaling Academy or Mentorship at https://investorthrive.com/ to get your next deal asap! These last steps require some additional training and guidance so to ensure your success, I have provided the best training available to help you get your next deal.
5.10. Step 10. Get paid and get the check!
5.10.1. For the resources for steps 5 through 10 of your 90 day Journey, join the Payneless Wholesaling Academy or Mentorship at https://investorthrive.com/ to get your next deal asap! These last steps require some additional training and guidance so to ensure your success, I have provided the best training available to help you get your next deal.
6. Step 1. Mindset Training (Week 1)
6.1. Mindset & Developing the Right Character/Attributes
6.1.1. 1. Why is it important to have the right mindset in real estate? How to master the right mindset- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oNzQsSnF_M
6.1.2. 2. Find your why! Find your why quickly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1iQjFMiLuE Link to find your why activity- https://docs.google.com/document/d/17m1QGdAk4wsstpknOBtp8pYjNvuZMg8c/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115016247302351694822&rtpof=true&sd=true
6.1.3. 3. Understand the power of daily massive imperfect action! The most powerful tool in the universe is consistent daily action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC67d0lzzAs
6.1.4. 4. The blessings of paying tithing (even if you are not religious) If you are religious Paying tithing brings great blessings, especially in helping us better recognize our blessings and the hand of the Lord in our lives. The Lord has commanded us to pay tithing. In return, He promises to “open … the windows of heaven, and pour … out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10). His blessings, however, come in His own way and in His own time and can be spiritual or temporal. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2013/03/the-blessings-of-tithing?lang=eng If you're not religious Giving encourages a grateful and generous spirit and can help steer us away from being greedy or loving money too much. By giving to others generously, we open up a part of ourselves to receive more as we do not have a scarcity mindset but an abundance mindset. Once you see the world as a place full of opportunities and not scarcity, you will be more willing to give and serve others. The more you give in this life, the more you get. The value you provide to the marketplace and others is a direct reflection of how much you will make. By paying tithing and serving others, you learn that it's not all about what you can take but what you can give back.
6.1.5. 5. Formula for success in business! 1. Systems and Processes 2. Learning Marketing/Sales 3. Get a Mentor Secret on how to succeed this year from my mentor Tom Krol I wanted to share a message from my mentor Tom Krol made on how to see success this year. I think he is spot on and I wanted to share it with everyone here! Let's crush it this year and don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any help getting your business going this year. There will be tons of opportunities to do deals as long as you are taking the right actions daily! 😎If you desire wealth this year and haven't achieve it, try these 10 proven methods for success 😎 1. Do not spend time with the wrong people. Spending time with the wrong people and thinking they don’t influence you is like going swimming and trying to avoid getting wet. When you spend time with the wrong people, the right people will avoid you. 2. Read EVERY SINGLE DAY without exception. Reading is the great divider when it comes to successful and struggling entrepreneurs. Don’t pick your own books, ask for suggestions from people who are where you want to be. Try to stick with 8-pages per day. Prioritize this. If you can read street signs you can read a book. 3. Have a written net worth goal and update it every month with your spouse. Make sure your cashflow is increasing your net worth BEFORE it is increasing your living expenses. Make big purchases based on both your cashflow and your net worth. 4. Make sure you ONLY take instruction from people who ALREADY live where you want to live. Your mentors MUST have personal experience. This is a top issue holding back most new entrepreneurs today. 5. Remember the formula for success: [Proven Instruction + Massive Imperfect Action = Results = Education] Don’t move parts of this equation around. You have to earn to learn. 6. Tithe 10% of every dollar you earn to God. Tithing is the only place in the Bible that tells us it is ok to put God to the test. Check out Malachi chapter 3 verse 8. This is the ONLY advice I offer that can be counted on 100%. You will be blessed for this. 7. Understand that the purpose of social media for entrepreneurs is to create content, not consume content. Limit your consumption time on social media drastically for the rest of this year, STARTING RIGHT NOW. 8. Only live off of 70% to 80% of what you take home and invest the rest: Allocate your savings into these 5 buckets: 50% into real estate, 20% into the stock market (Index fund like VTI, not individual stocks), 20% into cash, 5% into gold, 5% into speculation (high risk, high return like loans, individual stocks, etc.) 9. Put revenue in first position not preparation. Preparation can be a form of procrastination. We’re never ready, we go when we’re ready enough. 10. Do not work on Sunday’s. No matter what. No matter how much you love what you do. Take Sunday’s off completely. You need a day off – You do not earn a day off. Men, have compassion on other men. Most of us are doing the right thing, working hard, carrying heavy loads and doing the best we can with what we understand. Treat other men the way you would treat you son or grandad, with respect and patience. Finally, just make sure you have situational awareness and respect for yourself. No one has everything totally figured out so don’t beat yourself up. Don’t be a fan or a follower, be an apprentice. I have a gut feeling 2023 is going to be your best year yet. To Great Adventures, Tom
6.1.6. 6. Master the right characteristics and attributes to be successful in business and life Characteristics -Growth mindset -Relentlessly optimistic -Don’t choose to be confused -Action taker -Strive to be trusted over liked -Know how to engage in conflict correctly -Accept feedback and criticism as a gift -Know how to de-escalate drama -Don’t be a victim and take ownership -See yourself as an economic product on the open market (are you a good investment and can you make other people absurdly successful?) Attributes -Faith -Virtue -Knowledge -Temperance -Patience -Brotherly kindness -Godliness -Charity -Humility -Diligence
6.2. Planning & Setting Goals
6.2.1. Video breakdown of how to use The Ultimate Planner to Dominate Life https://youtu.be/E_o581Uuwzo The Ultimate Planner to Dominate Life - https://investorthrive-22124583.hs-sites.com/payneless-jv If you are interested in having me help you set goals and plan your life out, schedule a time here and let's chat about it! https://bit.ly/3Ecc8bz
6.2.2. 1. Daily Routine (pick 1 or 2 activities to do daily) Example of my daily routine Check out my daily routine here - https://investorthrive-22124583.hs-sites.com/payneless-wholesaling-resources-7 Create a life plan Link to example of how to create one- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KhZVL2BNfz6EnJObA4A5umf3dslXjTF7/edit Daily Planner How to plan your day- https://youtu.be/dCBovMK1ecs?t=433 Theater of the mind How to change your mind forever! https://youtu.be/EE_vfrbRRAY Meditation How to meditate! https://youtu.be/-zbLOELb3AA?t=1329 Gratitude Journal Why you should keep a gratitude journal https://youtu.be/Yz2DYkaBihQ Affirmations Why you should repeat affirmations https://youtu.be/1PFHFvYZHdU?t=690 Reading good books daily "CHALLENGE: For the next 100-Days Commit to reading a minimum of 5-pages per day of any book you’d like. 📖 Reading will set you apart and give you one of the greatest advantages you could ever hope for in reaching wealth and success. 🚀 Start slowly and be easy on yourself. Many entrepreneur were taught as children that we would never be good readers. If you can read street signs you can do this! ‼️‼️ If you are a slow reader that is great – Most great readers are! If you lose your place, get distracted, forgot what you just read or get sleepy – KEEP GOING. The more you read the better you will get at staying focused and staying awake." - Tom Krol Click on the link here for some books to consider to read- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wn7gmtxHX0XDnmuJHA5cifwDvQmV_HHz8dyNHpDwxIo/edit Waking up early Why you should wake up early! https://youtu.be/3LE2hTGqkCo?t=557
6.2.3. 2. Weekly Planning Why should I plan out my week? https://youtu.be/NDkOQu3RZG8?t=2122 How to plan out your week with time blocking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_rV9-btbjE Link to time block spreadsheet- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gnw3ACp4nUx_IjXjSDEuEMD4uxSWI8WF/edit#gid=1343618171
6.2.4. 3. Set 90 day goals How to set short term goals- https://youtu.be/NDkOQu3RZG8?t=1342 Link to example of how to make short term goals- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXkSsUMXWTqe49albUsxuLjmNEs3-FQu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115016247302351694822&rtpof=true&sd=true
6.2.5. 4. Set yearly goals Here is a template to set your goals in a letter to yourself in a year from now. https://investorthrive-22124583.hs-sites.com/resources-tools-and-exclusive-discounts-0-7
7. Step 2. Pick Your Market & Set Up Your Business (Week 2)
7.1. 1. Master one market instead of trying to do multiple markets.
7.1.1. Work your own backyard! This enables you to see properties and meet in person. Only do your own backyard if it meets the following criteria. Population needs to be greater than 50k Your market can't be more than 90 miles away from a major metro area or finding cash buyers will be difficult
7.1.2. Best areas to wholesale Suburbs or major metros with populations greater than 100k
7.1.3. Use batchleads to see if you have cash buyers in your market- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive Overview of how to find buyers- live call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXmE5oS987E
7.1.4. You can also use privy to see if you have good cash buyers in your market. Give Privy a try- https://www.getprivynow.com/#62d6faf1d74f7 and use the promo code for a discount: THRIVE How to use it- https://streamyard.com/szsw2hs37eya
7.2. Setting up your business
7.2.1. Advice: If you are serious about starting this business and want to get an LLC set up, book a call with the #1 company that sets up wholesalers and real estate investors LLCs at cost! Book a call- https://www.primecorporateservices.com/ithrive/ PRIME Business Setup for Real Estate Investors During your one-on-one business assessment, one of our experts will evaluate your situation and goals to make sure you have the optimal setup for your specific Real Estate business needs. Our goal is to make sure you can save big on taxes even if you are just getting started, make sure you are protected personally from any business liability, and help you take advantage of the funding options you have as a business. Book a call- https://www.primecorporateservices.com/ithrive/
7.2.2. Benefits of setting up an LLC or business Entity Protect your personal assets You can have more tax write-offs Start building business credit
8. Step 3. Network & Find Cash Buyers (Week 3)
8.1. 1. Start with the end in mind. Find your cash buyers first!
8.1.1. Before looking for deals, you want to find out what cash buyers in your market are buying so you can wholesale them deals. Start with getting 5 to 10 solid cash buyers you can build rapport with. Here are all the ways to find 5 different types of buyers you can wholesale deals to. Join Local Real Estate Investors Association (REIA) Why go to REIAs and how to find them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8FUovI7nN0&t=1s How to find local meet ups? Search for local real estate investor association in your area or look at meetup.com for real estate events. What do you do there? Give out your business card or contact info and collect everyones contact info. Your goal is to connect with 5 cash buyers, 2 experienced wholesalers, a title company, and real estate attorney. Join online real estate investor groups Search "Your State" real estate investing and join. Join the Investor Thrive Discord Channel, Investor Thrive Inner Circle Facebook Group, and Payneless Wholesaling Facebook Group. Make a post introducing yourself and asking for help. Use Batch leads to find buyers. Click the link to sign up for 7 day free trial here- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive Overview of how to find buyers- live call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXmE5oS987E Use Privy to find buyers How to use privy to find buyers - https://streamyard.com/teams/44P7OBMMsdUhEyrqo62j1sRd/videos/szsw2hs37eya Call our nationwide buyers list we gave you for joining our mentorship with the state of your choice. Post what state you want in the discord channel
8.2. 2. After networking, find a local mentor that you vibe with and ask them to help you
8.2.1. Ask them these questions! What title company to use? What real estate attorney they know who works with wholesalers? What hard money lenders do they
8.2.2. Then reach out to the attorney and title company so you understand the laws and regulations of your state. I want you to run everything your doing past an attorney in your state! The laws around wholesaling have been changing recently. Make sure everything you are doing is legal and you have it attorney reviewed. Make sure your attorney knows who the regulators are in your state and that they are ok with how you are doing deals.
8.3. Step 3. Build rapport with your buyers and find out their buy box criteria
8.3.1. Overview of section https://youtu.be/eF7jD-M3Q8U?t=757
8.3.2. 1. The best way to build rapport with a new buyer you don't know is to talk about previously deals they have done that you researched on batchleads or privy. Ask them questions about those deals and be interested in them. Talk to your buyers and get really tight with them. Make them feel like you're only looking for deals for them. Here are some ways to find out what they are looking for. How to talk to buyers and ask them what they want to buy. https://youtu.be/v5k-oQcKMxY?t=738 Best ways to talk your cash buyers Ask them these questions to get their buying criteria. Script with what to ask them- https://docs.google.com/document/d/16n-2MLsbo85T3HOlYUbA9fuKdZvMaziJM75H71YXCVM/edit Go and make a google form to send to your cash buyers so you can document what they want to buy. How to make your own google form for your cash buyers to fill out- https://youtu.be/PkxMXlaOiIg?t=1122
8.4. BONUS: Every way to find a cash buyer
8.4.1. Flippers/Rehabbers Call investor friendly title companies and ask them who they work with that is looking to buy fix and flips. How to call a title company and get buyers, step by step- https://youtu.be/p582Ii0Sl0c?t=2756 Ask hard and private money lenders to refer you to cash buyers they fund or know. List of over 4k hard money lenders nationwide- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y7qXCtmy0knWJl9HOuavDXGXCkjhHpQahILXJAp4Z-s/edit#gid=1400382642 Use Batch leads to find buyers. Click the link to sign up for 7 day free trial here- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive Overview of how to find buyers- live call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXmE5oS987E Social Media Make a facebook on personal profile or real estate investor groups https://youtu.be/3LE2hTGqkCo?t=4227 Meetup.com Local Real Estate Investors Association (REIA) Why go to REIAs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8FUovI7nN0&t=1s Post to their website Post to their social media forums Email members Attend networking events Call top agents in the area that represent flippers. Look at www.realtor.com Buy our nationwide buyer's list. Call, text and email buyer's list and see who is actively buying. https://investorthrive.com/buyers-list-low-offer9uxhnhwj?fbclid=IwAR34cBMAhr0nnvGFED3d0xIqhhjdOczJVQm5c0bf_pXAHlGxosCZxNw5wLs https://realestatewealthnetwork.com/cash-buyer-data-feed/index.php Check the MLS (Need login) Local foreclosure auctions Post on https://www.myhousedeals.com/ Craigslist If you see a dumpster in front of a house that's getting flipped, stop in and talk to the flipper and ask them if they are a cash buyer. Bandit Signs Write- Selling a 3 bedroom 2 bath fixer up in "your area" and looking for a cash buyer
8.4.2. Landlord Cash Buyers Zillow Rentals (use the app) Craigslist For Rent By Owner Section GoSection8.com Landlord Associations Property Management Companies Local REIA meetings Networking Events Registered Landlord Lists (from Local City/County) Landglide app
8.4.3. Realtors Real Estate Agent Lists Google Realtor Associations in your City Using Batch Leads to call realtors that represent cash buyers Click the link to sign up for 7 day free trial here- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive Calling agents live to see if they have cash buyers we can work with. https://youtu.be/oXmE5oS987E?t=1269
8.4.4. Wholesalers My company can help you find a buyer nationwide for a 50/50 split of the deal. JV with us by submitting the deal here on this site- https://sellyourdeal.io/ https://sellyourdeal.io/ Craigslist Search by terms like "ARV, CASH, WHOLESALE, FIXER UPPER" Facebook groups for wholesalers Call bandit signs in your area Google "We Buy Houses' in your City or "sell my house fast" What to look for and search Local REI meetings
8.4.5. Hedge Funds (Both Landlords and Flippers) List- https://investorthrive-22124583.hs-sites.com/hedge-funds-buyers-list
8.4.6. Marketing to find buyers Check out this powerpoint for additional strategies on how to get buyers- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RlSErnidlVpKU6kgcLqfrMAm0tPmgE3I/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=115016247302351694822&rtpof=true Video: How you can switch your outbound lead machine from focusing on sellers to focusing on buyers - https://geniusseries.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Q3+September+2022+-+Premier+Videos/PORTAL+VERSIONS/LEON%27s+ROOM/Leon_Q3_22_6_Eli_Fisher.mp4
8.5. Bonus: Start a Podcast!
8.5.1. Start a podcast and interview cash buyers in your market. This is the best way to network and grow your brand. How to start a podcast - https://rss.com/blog/how-to-start-a-podcast-in-seven-steps/?gclid=CjwKCAiAwomeBhBWEiwAM43YILAV10WGwC7YqrbTFKGAmEJVT4rnpifbRV5ggM5cCALHB-JhuE74ihoCJjoQAvD_BwE My podcast- https://rss.com/podcasts/payneless-wholesaling/
9. Step 4. Marketing & Lead Generation (Week 4-12)
9.1. Recommended marketing tools to get started
9.1.1. Batch Leads for skip tracing, lists, driving for dollars and property research- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive
9.1.2. Privy for on market deals & research- Give Privy a try- https://www.getprivynow.com/#62d6faf1d74f7 and use the promo code for a discount: THRIVE
9.1.3. Batch Dialer for cold calling multiline dialer - https://batchdialer.com/?fpr=investorthrive
9.2. 1. Start with the free marketing strategies and master one. Go into paid marketing if you have the time and a budget of at least $500 a month.
9.2.1. 1. You want to make sure that whatever marketing strategy you choose, you target a specific area you have cash buyers in. That way, you already have a buyer if you get a hot seller lead. Free Marketing Finding deals On Market deals on the MLS JVing Making offers on other wholesalers deals Social Media & Networking Paid Marketing Lists and skiptracing with Batch Leads Cold Calling
9.3. 4. Knowing your numbers and KPIs
9.3.1. JVing- Call wholesalers and make at least 5 offers daily to JV their property = 1 deal a month
9.3.2. On market- Make 5 offers to agents a day on distressed properties dispite what they are listed for = 1 deal a month
9.3.3. Cold calling- Call to 2,000 distressed property owners a month and make 5 offers a day = 1 deal a month Get your distressed marketing list from driving for dollars, absentee owners, pre-foreclosures, vacant properties, or build the flip neighborhood list.
9.4. Don't have money to market? Check out how to raise money to market
9.4.1. 0% Credit cards- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDI3KLj2rpk
9.4.2. Getting business credit- https://youtu.be/lDI3KLj2rpk?t=219 Use this link to get a discount from PCS to get you business credit- https://www.primecorporateservices.com/ithrive/
9.5. Bonus: Every marketing strategy
9.5.1. Free Marketing (in order from favorite to least favorite) Overview of free marketing https://youtu.be/uuXIj-DldDc?t=3458 JVing Why you should start JVing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrWP1U0bFt4 Video breakdown on how to JV https://bit.ly/3zMzGRB How to get a JV deal start to finish https://investorthrive-22124583.hs-sites.com/paynelesswholesalingmethod Making offers on other wholesalers deals Making offers on other wholesalers deals Making more and more offers on wholesalers deals www.sundae.com How to find deals on Sundae.com The key to getting deals on Sundae.com is getting tight with the agents in your area. If you get tight with them, they will usually tell you what the other bids are and what you need to offer to win. Show them that you are credible! You will have to double close on these deals to get them done because they do not allow assignments on their contract. www.homelight.com Double close or flip their deals. They do not like when you assign it or wholesale it. You will have to pay them a % of the deal when it closes as that is the agreement you make when working with homelight leads. https://youtu.be/uuXIj-DldDc?t=3799 Talking to a live seller from a homelight lead! Driving for dollars Use this link to get a 7 day free trial- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive 1. Batch Leads has a driving for dollars. You can even write down the properties on a piece of paper if you are on a tight budget. The following steps are included to help you know what to do once you mark a property. 2. Look for areas/neighborhoods on zillow to drive that are renting below market value. This is the easiest way to find good areas to target 3. Find at least 50 a day 4. Skiptrace list. If you are on a budget, you can individually search people’s numbers on truepeoplesearch.com 5. Call the person once you have their info 6. Make offer www.investorlift.com How to get deals off of Investorlift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkGVCUvq7yA&t=234s Making facebook posts in neighborhood groups Using facebook groups to get deals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPXeOrpwXIE How to get deals for free using facebook groups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb2fSVVHXqA KPI's to hit to get deals What to post Questions from students answered Knocking and flyering preforeclosures 1. Go knock a neighborhood that has distressed houses or that your buyer wants to buy in. You can also specifically go knock houses that are on the pre-foreclosure list that you can get from your county or batchleads. 2. Ask them if they are selling and tell them that you work for a buyer who is looking for homes to buy in this area. 3. For every door that doesn't answer, leave a hand written letter or sticky note with your contact into saying "Please call me back at (insert your number). I'm a cash buyer looking for another home to buy in the area and I can pay top dollar. (You can pay top dollar because you can offer them a deal with creative financing on terms.) 4. Don't forget to use you driving for dollars app from batchleads to mark distressed looking properties you see while you are driving around or knocking doors. Example of what to leave on their door Finding deals On Market deals on the MLS Set up fixer upper email notifications on Redfin.com for free Use privy to get deals on the MLS Use Flipster Social Media & Networking How to get your first few deals within arms reach using your network and little to no marketing spend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMNHGmCQ4oM Start a facebook group and post on social media daily. Other Craigslist FSBO sites Magnets on your car Bandit signs
9.5.2. Paid Marketing (in order from favorite to least favorite) Lists and skiptracing with Batch Leads Use this link to get a 7 day free trial- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive https://youtu.be/uK4IDg0cARw?t=948 Top lists to pull List Stacking Cold Calling How to Cold Call? https://youtu.be/dCBovMK1ecs?t=2783 What is a multi-line dialer? What dialer should I use? When Is The Best Time To Cold Call? Hiring a Cold Calling Service What Script to Use? Best Practices for Cold Calling Can’t Afford a full time caller? Texting Texting breakdown https://youtu.be/MA6-rKG6pJU?t=1022 Texting is a good strategy to start with when it comes to marketing for motivated sellers. It’s low in cost but can be tricky because the rules are always changing. Use batchleads to text- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive What to say in your text Texting Conversation Flow Pay per click/google ads Warning: I don't recommend running your own google ads as it can be very expensive and easy to mess up. Set up a time with Ethan and tell him I referred you if you are interested in setting up Google ppc/Bing. He will hook you up with a deal if you mention my name- https://calendly.com/ethanrcb/30min?month=2022-10 Here are some reviews from Ethan to see that he is legit- https://www.realcashads.com/ If you want to try and run it on your own, see the steps below. VAs Use our Payneless VA service https://youtu.be/v5k-oQcKMxY?t=2059 Fill out this form to get one of our VAs- https://www.primevirtuals.com/?fpr=nathan34 How to hire your own VAs- https://www.facebook.com/nathancalvinpayne/videos/1545419619159810 Virtual Driving for dollars using Batch Leads How to drive for dollars virtually? Use this link to get a 7 day free trial- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive CRM CRMs can be used for marketing to leads and automated follow up. These are the top two and most affordable CRMs I recommend. Mailers You can start mailing using Batchleads. Use this link to get a 7 day free trial- https://batchleads.io/batchleads-trial-list?deal=investorthrive Facebook ads I don't recommend running your own facebook ads because it can be expensive and tricky. If you are going to do it, I recommend hiring a professional. If you want to try run them, click on this link for an outline on how to get started. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13FgEkXDBSZe4lRJcRi4UkkrofttfZgUXeeLf1QvftCQ/edit Email Email leads first before cold calling them or texting them. Target the people who open up the email first as you will have a greater chance connecting with them. You can use constant contact for your email service- https://conta.cc/3Si2Qyl https://youtu.be/B4XbgevJcAQ?t=97 SEO I wouldn't recommend trying to figure out SEO on your own. Schedule a time with Ethan and tell him I referred you if you are interested in setting up SEO. He will hook you up with a deal if you mention my name- https://calendly.com/ethanrcb/30min?month=2022-10 Here are some reviews from Ethan to see that he is legit- https://www.realcashads.com/ Website creation You can build your own website using https://carrot.com/?cookieUUID=29b7642a-3ebd-4dcf-bfad-e31687a3bab8 or Schedule a time with Ethan and tell him I referred you if you are interested in having someone build you a website. He will hook you up with a deal if you mention my name- https://calendly.com/ethanrcb/30min?month=2022-10 Here are some reviews from Ethan to see that he is legit- https://www.realcashads.com/ TV commercials Email me and I will put you in contact with my tv guy if you want to run tv commercials. [email protected] Buy Leads If you want to purchase my list of nationwide leads that are in my CRM, here is a link to buy them for a super low price. I have spent over 200k on these leads and I'm giving them to you for a super good deal because I can't call them all myself- https://investorthrive-22124583.hs-sites.com/nationwide-leads Other Marketing RVM Newspaper Radio