1. Seminar 6
2. Intoduction to basics of decision making
2.1. Systems management concept
2.1.1. Systemic approach to the management
2.1.2. Decision-making approach to managing
2.1.3. Functional approach to the management
2.2. Management decisions
2.2.1. Decision as a result
2.2.2. Decision as a process
2.3. Levels of decision-making
2.3.1. Routine
2.3.2. Selective
2.3.3. Adaptive
2.3.4. Innovative
2.4. Factors affecting the management decisions
2.4.1. Subjective
2.4.2. External
2.4.3. Intrnal Certainty Uncertainty
3. Seminar 5
4. Decision making process
4.1. Types of decision making
4.1.1. Binary
4.1.2. Multi-optional
4.1.3. Innovative
4.2. Alternative generating process
4.2.1. Rationals
4.2.2. Creative
5. Seminar 1
6. Seminar 4
7. Behavioral aspect
7.1. Decision theory
7.1.1. Descriptive and prescriptive theories
7.1.2. Rationality
7.1.3. Nudges
7.2. Features of thinking process
7.2.1. Heruistic
7.2.2. Cognitive biases
7.2.3. Decidophobia
7.3. Influencing effects on group DM
7.3.1. Composition effect
7.3.2. Groupthink
7.3.3. Framing
7.3.4. Time inconsistency
8. Implementation
8.1. Plan developing
8.1.1. Setting and implementing goals
8.1.2. Manage solution implementation
8.2. Controlling the implementation
8.2.1. Types of control Preliminary Preventive Current Final
8.2.2. Critical control points
8.2.3. Equation of implementing results
8.3. Quality of decisions
8.3.1. Decision quality process
8.3.2. Measuring decision effectivness
9. Seminar 2
10. Situation and problem analysis
10.1. Exploring of situation
10.1.1. Situation life cycle
10.1.2. Main characteristics of the sitution
10.1.3. Symptons of problem situation
10.2. Problem situation analysis
10.2.1. Rutin level
10.2.2. Task level
10.2.3. Problem level
10.3. Problem formulation
10.3.1. Narrative problem statement
10.3.2. Causal problem statement
10.3.3. Antichetical problem statement
10.4. Data collection and problem analysis
10.4.1. The classical method of problem formation
10.4.2. Input-output analysis
10.4.3. Process diagram
10.4.4. Systematic data mining
10.4.5. Identification of critical incident
10.4.6. Tools to analyse problem Cause-effect diagrams Root cause analysis Fishbone analysis
11. Example of Wildberries
12. Tele2 hiring process
13. Creating new unique idea of eco bags
14. Using decision making process to solve the case connected with suppliers in chinabags
15. Tele2 finding the best candidate
16. Seminar 3
17. Goal-setting in decision making
17.1. Decision objectives
17.1.1. Goal-setting methods
17.1.2. Goal requirements or tools
17.1.3. Goal-setting techniques
17.1.4. Goal system
17.2. Constraints and criteria
17.2.1. Evaluation criteria Objective qualitive criteria Objective quantitive criteria