Cold War, Culture, and Science

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Cold War, Culture, and Science by Mind Map: Cold War, Culture, and Science

1. Science

1.1. Advancements in understanding of Nuclear Physics, and Space.

1.2. Increased Telecommunication

2. Arms Race

2.1. Suggestion of Thermo-Nuclear Weaponry

2.2. The Building of Arms Stockpiles in the Soviet Union and America

3. Fear

3.1. Esponage

3.1.1. Spys Klaus Fuchs The Rosenbergs

4. Overall a race for power, driven by fear.

4.1. Mutually Assured Destruction

5. Technology

5.1. Post-WII

5.1.1. Purpulsion System Rockets Could be used to send men to space Could be used to send missiles long distances

5.2. U2 Plane

5.3. Nuclear Submarines with Tipped Torpedos

5.4. Satellites

6. Space Race

6.1. Soviet Union first to send man into space

6.2. America first to send man to moon