Don't CRASH Experience-v3


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Don't CRASH Experience-v3 by Mind Map: Don't CRASH Experience-v3


2. Survey

3. :white_check_mark: Read the connection map!!!

4. Action

5. How to detect an obstacle with US sensor?

5.1. Detect an obstacle with US Sensor

5.2. US Sensor Data sheet

5.3. Program example for US sensor

5.4. ZIP-Library "US_Sensor"

6. Perception

7. Intelligence

8. Design

9. Build

10. How to add intelligence with Arduino?

10.1. ARDUINO Basics

10.1.1. 0.What is Arduino?

10.1.2. 1.Connect Arduino Uno

10.2. About algorithmen

10.3. Add intellegence

10.4. How to decide

10.4.1. if Structure

10.4.2. if-elseStructure

10.5. How to repeat

10.5.1. while-structure

10.5.2. do-while structure

10.6. make an own program flow chart

11. Erasmus+

12. How to move with a DC motor

12.1. 1.Connect DCmotor with Arduino

12.2. 2.Wiring DCmotor with Arduino

12.3. 3.Control a DCmotor with Arduino

12.4. Program example for Motordrive

12.5. ZIP-Library "Motorboard9110"

13. How to create a 3D part with 3DExperience?

13.1. to 3DExperience

13.2. 2. 3DExperience-How to start

13.3. 3. 3DExperience-Use power copies

13.4. 4. 3DExperience-How to search for data

14. How to realize a real part with a laser cut?

14.1. 1.3DExperience-Drafting-dxf

14.2. 2.How to use the laser cut

15. How to assemble real parts and components?

15.1. Assembly process