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BootStrap.less by Mind Map: BootStrap.less

1. Components: Buttons & Alerts

1.1. buttons.less

1.2. button-groups.less

1.3. alerts.less

2. Components: Nav

2.1. navs.less

2.2. navbar.less

2.3. navbar.less

2.4. breadcrumbs.less

2.5. pagination.less

2.6. pager.less

3. Components: Popovers

3.1. modals.less

3.2. tooltip.less

3.3. popovers.less

4. Components: Misc

4.1. thumbnails.less

4.2. media.less

4.3. labels-badges.less

4.4. progress-bars.less

4.5. accordion.less

4.6. carousel.less

4.7. hero-unit.less

5. Utility classes

5.1. utilities.less

6. Core variables and mixins

6.1. variables.less

6.2. mixins.less

7. CSS Reset

7.1. reset.less

8. Grid system and page structure

8.1. scaffolding.less

8.2. grid.less

8.3. layouts.less

9. Base CSS

9.1. type.less

9.2. code.less

9.3. forms.less

9.4. tables.less

10. Components: common

10.1. sprites.less

10.2. dropdowns.less

10.3. wells.less

10.4. component-animations.less

10.5. close.less