Vocabulary Tree

Vocabulary tree.

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Vocabulary Tree by Mind Map: Vocabulary Tree

1. Food

1.1. **Pan** A metal container used for cooking food in. • *Heat the olive oil in a heavy pan* • *Filling a pan with the gravelly soil*

2. **Medicine** -noun *A new medicine was invented to cure the disease.*

2.1. **Therapy** -noun Treatment intended to relieve or heal disorder. *A course of antibiotic therapy*

2.2. **Disease** -noun

3. Agriculture

3.1. **Gravel** noun a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded stones. *Filling a pan with gravelly soil*

3.2. **Orchard** -noun A piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees. • *An apple orchard* • *Non-flammable features such as orchards*

3.3. **Remediation** noun the action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage. *the giving of remedial teaching or therapy.*

3.4. **Vine** -noun A climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant related to grapevine.

3.5. **Irrigate** -verb Supply water to (land or crops) to help growth, typically by means of channels.

4. Irrregular verbs

4.1. **Choose** Base form: *I always choose the healthier option at the restaurant.* Past tense: *Yesterday, I chose to stay home instead of going out.* Past participle: *I have chosen a new career path for myself.* Present participle: *She is currently choosing between two different colleges to attend.*


5.1. Hesitant

5.1.1. **Probably** -adverb *She would probably never see him again*

5.1.2. **Perhaps** -adverb *Perhaps I should have been frank with him*

5.1.3. **Doubt** -noun A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. • *Some doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of this account* • *She expressed doubt about his ability to complete the project* • *Without a doubt, he is the best candidate for the job* • *He had no doubt in his mind that he would win the race*

5.1.4. **Reluctant** adj Unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. *He was reluctant to join the team* **Reluctantly** -adverb in an unwilling and hesitant way. *He reluctantly agrees to do his duty*

5.2. **Cruelty** -noun Callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering. *He has treated her with extreme cruelty*

5.3. **Callous** -adjective Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others. *His callous comments about the murder made me shiver*

5.4. **Indifference** noun Lack of intrest, concern, or sympathy. *She shrugged, feigning indifference*

5.5. **Shiver** verb (Of a person or animal) shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited. *They shivered in the damp foggy cold*

5.6. **Unscrupulous** adj. Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair. *Unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants*

5.7. **Untiring** adj. (of a person or their actions) continuing at the same rate without loss of vigor; indefatigable. *His untiring efforts on their behalf*

5.8. **Vigor** noun Physical strength and good health. *without loss of vigor*

5.9. **Indefatigable** adj. (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly. *an indefatigable defender of human rights*

5.10. **Maniac** -noun 1. A person exhibiting extremely wild or violent behavior. *When he sits in fromt of* 2. A person suffering from mania.

5.11. Annoyed

5.11.1. **Irritable** -adj 1. Having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. *She was tired and irritable* 2. (of a body part) abnormally sensitive.

6. ei vs ie

6.1. ei

6.1.1. Either

6.1.2. Weight

6.1.3. Receive

6.1.4. Height

6.2. ie

6.2.1. Variety

6.2.2. Sufficient

6.2.3. IELTS

6.2.4. Quiet

6.2.5. Achieve

7. **Range**

7.1. **Expansive** adj 1. Covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive. *Expansive beaches* 2. (of a person of their manner) relaxed and genially frank and communicative. *He was in an expansive mood*

8. RELATIVE CLAUSES They give more information about a person or thing. If there is a noun or pronoun after the Subject then the relative you seen the pills the nurse left here?*

8.1. Things

8.1.1. Which use when there is non-defining information.

8.1.2. That

8.2. People

8.2.1. Who


9.1. Mild

10. Weak

10.1. **Susceptible** adj. Likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing. *Patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection*

11. END

11.1. Forcefully

11.1.1. **Suppress** -verb Forcefully put and end to. *The rising was savagely suppressed*

11.1.2. **Quell** -verb Forcefully put an end to (a rebellion or other disorders). *Extra police were called to quell the disturbance*

11.1.3. **Subdue** -verb Forcefully bring (a country or people) under control. *Here how to subdue a suspect*

11.2. **Prohibit** -verb Formally forbid (something) by law, or other authority. *Laws prohibiting cruelty to animals*

11.3. Ban

12. Small

12.1. **Negligible** adjective So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant. *Hi said that the risks were negligible*

13. Comparison

13.1. **Comparatively** adverb To a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively. *inflation was comparatively low*

14. **Money**

14.1. **Subsidized** -adj (of an organization or activity) supported financially. "a subsidized industry" having part of the cost of production paid in order to keep the selling price low. "subsidized food"

14.2. **Compensate** -verb 1. Give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense. *Payments were made to farmers to compensate them for cuts in subsidies* Similar: recompense repay pay back reimburse remunerate recoup indemnify settle up with settle accounts with 2. Reduce or counteract (something unwelcome or unpleasant) by exerting an opposite force or effect. *The manager is hoping for victory to compensate for the team's dismal league campaign*

15. **Sentences**

15.1. I'm really not very keen

15.2. It sounds a bit dull

15.3. I find this task pretty hard-going

16. Similar writing

16.1. **Choose** -verb *You can't choose courses just on friends recommendations*

16.1.1. **Choice** -noun *It's not a good choice for you*

16.2. Similar in writing

16.2.1. ther **Whether** -conjunction • *I don't know whether to wear a jacket or not* • *They're trying to figure out whether the movie starts at 7 or 8* **Weather** **Foggy** -adj Full of or accompanied by fog. *A dark and foggy night* **Cyclone** A system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression. **Drought** -noun A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. *The cause of Europe's recent droughts* **Affect** is a verb that means to have an impact or influence on something or someone. *The loud noise affected my ability to concentrate*

16.2.2. Qui **Quit** Leave **Quite** To the utmost or most absolute Completely or entirely Fairly or moderately **Quiet** Little or no noise Quieten

16.2.3. Effect vs Affect **Effect** is a noun that refers to a result or outcome, often caused by a specific action or event. • *The effect of the medication was immediate relief from pain* • *Devastating effect*

16.2.4. ough Enough

16.2.5. **Angel vs Angle** Angel is a heavenly or spiritually being. Angle is the intersection of two straights lines.

16.2.6. Noise vs Nose Noise is a loud sound or voice Nose is the organ that plays the rolse of smelling.

16.2.7. THOUGH Thought **Although** In spite of the fact that; even though **Thoughtful** Showing consideration for the needs of others She is very thoughtful and always remember her friend's birthdays **Though** -Conjunction • Despite the fact that; although. *Though they were speaking in undertones, Philip could hear them* • However (indicating that a factor qualifies or imposes restrictions on what was said previously) *I was hunting for work. Jobs were scarce though* **Thought-out** Carefully considered and planned. The presentation was well thought-out and organized.

16.3. Similar in meaning

16.3.1. **Below VS Beneath** "below" is typically used to indicate a position that is lower or under something, while "beneath" can imply being under or hidden by something and may convey a closer proximity. However, in most cases, the two words can be used interchangeably without significant differences in meaning.


17.1. About Above Across After Against Along Among Around As At Before Behind Below Beneath Beside Between Beyond But By Concerning Considering Despite Down During Except For From In Inside Into Like Near Of Off On Onto Out Outside Over Past Regarding Round Since Through Throughout Till To Toward Under Until Up Upon With Within Without

18. Vocab

18.1. **Damp** -adj. Slightly wet.

18.2. Critical - Severe - Acute

18.2.1. **Acute** -adj (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree. • *an acute housing shortage*. • *People who are suffering acute symptoms* . • *An acute angle*. **Cute** -adj appealing in a pretty or endearing way. *A cute kitten*

18.3. Exercise

18.4. Regularly

18.5. **Indisputable** adj. Unable to be challenged or denied. *A far from indisputable fact*

18.6. **Devastating** adj. Highly destructive or damaging *A devastating cyclone struck Bangladesh*

18.7. **Drawcard** -noun Card games / Advantage / Selling point a quality or feature that evokes interest or liking; an attraction.

18.8. **Misdeed** noun Is a bad or wrong action that someone does, which goes against what is considered right or fait. It can include things like lying, cheating, stealing, or hurting others. *His past misdeeds were forgiven* *He was punched for his misdeeds*

18.9. **Concerningly** In a manner that causes concern.

18.10. **Greenhouse** a glass building in which plants are grown that need protection from cold weather.

18.11. Environment

18.11.1. Environmental impact

18.12. Contrast

18.13. **Fill** -verb A quantity of soft material that fills or is used to fill something

18.13.1. **Filling** *Filling a pan*

18.13.2. **Inflate** -verb Fill (a balloon, tire, or other expandable structure) with air or gas so that it becomes distended.

18.14. **Integral** -adj Necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental. • *Games are an integral part of the school's curriculum* • *Wildfire has been an integral part of California ecosystems for centuries*

18.15. Wildland urban interface / WUI -noun Is the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development.

18.16. **Prone** -adj Likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable. • *Farmed fish are prone to disease* • *Lands prone to wildfire*

18.17. **Wick** -noun A strip which candle flame burns.

18.17.1. **Wicked** adj. Evil or morally wrong. *a wicked and unscrupulous politician*

18.18. **Remedy** -verb set right (an undesirable situation). *money will be given to remedy the poor funding of nurseries*

18.19. **Appeal** -verb 1. make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request. *police are appealing for information about the incident* *Hot temperatures are particularly appealing to Geckos* 2.LAW - apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court. *he said he would appeal against the conviction*

19. Synonyms

19.1. Adverbs

19.1.1. Rarely **Seldom** • adverb Not often; rarely. *Syria is seldom visited by tourists* • adjective not common; infrequent. *A great but seldom pleasure*

19.1.2. Immediately Instantly

19.1.3. Probably Most likely

19.1.4. Sometimes Occasionally

19.1.5. Especially Mainly

19.1.6. Quickly Speedily

19.2. Phrases

19.2.1. Watch out for Be cautious of

19.2.2. Not sure of Don't know

19.2.3. Make up your mind Decide

19.2.4. Keep in mind Remember

19.2.5. Come across Find

19.2.6. Get into an accident Crash

19.2.7. Keep an eye on Watch

19.2.8. Take care of Look after

19.2.9. Take a shot at Try / Attempt

19.2.10. Risk Perilous

19.2.11. Too much Excessive

19.2.12. Subjected to Receiving

19.2.13. On top of a hill Somewhere up high

19.2.14. Forest Sorrounded by trees

19.3. Verbs

19.3.1. **Oppose** -verb • Disagree with and attempt to prevent, especially by argument. *a majority of the electorate opposed EC membership* • Actively resist (a person or system). *a workers' movement opposed the regime* Disagree

19.3.2. **Deter** -verb • Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. *only a health problem would deter him from seeking re-election* Discourage

19.3.3. **Rave** -verb • Talk incoherently, as if one were delirious or mad. *Nancy's having hysterics and raving about a ghost* • Speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration. *New York's critics raved about the acting*

19.3.4. Teach Taught She taught him to read

19.3.5. Exist **Coexist** -verb Exist at the same time or in the same place. • *Learning to better coexist with wildfire* • *The task pf diplomacy was to help different states coexist*

19.4. Noun

19.4.1. Voyage Travel

19.4.2. Ignition Noun The action of setting something on fire or starting to burn. • *After ignition, the flames were still growing* • *Shaped by ignitions*

19.5. Adjectives

19.5.1. Prior Before

19.5.2. **Inevitable** adj Certain to happen; unavoidable. • *War was inevitable* • *Better prepared for inevitable fires*

19.5.3. Easy adj Eased verb

19.5.4. **Dull** -adj 1. lacking interest or excitement. *your diet doesn't have to be dull and boring* 2. lacking brightness, vividness, or sheen. *his face glowed in the dull lamplight*


20.1. **Provoke** verb Stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone. *The decision provoked a storm of protest*

21. People

21.1. **Rebellion** -noun An act of armed resistance to an establishmed government or leader. *The authorities put down a rebellion by landless colonials*

21.2. **Spectator** -noun A person who watches at a show, game, or other event. *Around fifteen thousand spectators came to watch the game*

21.3. **Tenant** -noun A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord. *Building tenants asked for compensation*

21.4. **Stevedore** -noun A person employed at a dock to load and unload ships. *He worked as a stevedore*

21.5. **Advocate** noun A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy. *He was an untiring advocate of economic reform*

21.6. **Culprit** -noun Of (a person or thing) who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed. *Viruses could turn out to be the culprit*

21.7. **Therapist** -noun A person skilled in a particular kind of therapy. *A certified massage therapist*

21.8. **Subordinate** -adj lower in rank or position. *his subordinate officers*

21.9. **Tutor vs Teacher** *Tutor* is a private teacher who tutors individual students in one-on-one lessons or small group classes. *Teacher* teaches more than 20 students in a school or college.

21.10. Per person

21.10.1. Per capita

21.11. **Polluter** -noun A person or thing responsible for contaminating the environment with harmful or poisonous substances. *greenhouse polluters such as the coal and aluminium industries*

21.12. Sweden

21.12.1. People from Sweden called Swedes

22. It consists almost entirely of water

23. Movement

23.1. **Firmly** -adverb Doing something in a strong way. With little possibility of movement; securely. *The door remained firmly shut*

23.2. **Surge** -noun 1. A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide. *Flooding caused by tidal surges* 2. A sudden large increase, typically a temporary one. *The firm predicated a 20% surge in sales*

24. Drinks

24.1. Beer

24.2. **Wine** noun an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. *he opened a bottle of red wine* verb entertain someone by offering them drinks and a meal. *we were wined and dined by the clients*

25. Animals

25.1. **Bear** As a verb 1. To support or carry the weight of something: *I can't bear the weight of this box on my own* 2. To endure or tolerate something: "I can't bear to watch violent movies." 3. To produce or yield something: "This tree bears fruit every year." 4. To give birth to: "The female bear will bear cubs in the winter." As a noun Bear refers to the large animal.

25.2. **Pollinate** / **cross-pollinate** -verb Convey pollen to or deposit pollen on (a stigma, ovule, flower, or plant) and so allow fertilization. *There are not enough bees to pollinate their crops*

25.3. **Insecticide** noun A substance used for killing insects. • *The use of chemical insecticides* • Susceptible to insecticides

25.4. **Livestock** -noun Farm animals regarded as an asset *markets for trading of livestock* *As a feed for livestock*

25.5. Insects

26. Body

26.1. Arm

26.1.1. **Wrist** noun The joint connecting the hand with the forearm. *I fell over and sprained my wrist*

26.1.2. Elbow

26.1.3. Forearm

26.1.4. Shoulder

26.1.5. Hand Palm Fingers

26.2. Leg

26.2.1. Knee

26.2.2. Foot Toe Heel Ankle

26.2.3. Thigh

26.2.4. Calf

26.2.5. Shin

26.3. **Head**

26.3.1. Forehead

26.3.2. ear

26.3.3. Eyebrow

26.3.4. Eye

26.3.5. Nose

26.3.6. Lips

26.3.7. Neck

26.4. Chest

26.4.1. **Respiratory system** Breathing system *affects the respiratory system*

27. Time

27.1. **Half past ten** 30 minutes after 10 10:30

27.2. **Quarter** Quarter to 10 = 9:45 Quarter past 10 = 10:15

27.3. Precisely

27.4. **Decade** 10 years

27.5. **Century** 100 years

27.6. **Prolonged** -adj Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy. *The region suffered a prolonged drought*

28. **Popular** -adj *She was one of the most popular girls in the school*

28.1. **Popularity** -noun *He was at the height of his popularity*

29. Crime

29.1. **Surveillance** -noun Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. *He found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence*

29.2. **Stalk** The act of following someone or something very closely and watching its every move.

30. Directions

30.1. Up

30.1.1. **Elevate** -verb 1. Rise of lift (something) to a higher position. *The exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head* 2. Rise to a more important or impressive level. *He was elevated to Secretary of State*

30.1.2. **Exaggerate** verb Represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is. he was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains **Exaggerated** adj Regarded or represented as large, better, or worse than in reality. *An exaggerated account of his adventures*

30.1.3. **Rise** -verb

30.2. Down

30.2.1. **Fall** -verb **Fell** -past

30.2.2. **Slump** -verb 1. Sit, lean, or fall heavilty and limply. *She slumped against the cushions* -noun 2. A sudden severe pr prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something. *A slump in profits*

30.2.3. **plummet** -verb 1. Fall or drop straight down at high speed. *A climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully* -noun 2. A steep and rapid fall or drop. *The bird has a circular display flight followed by an earthward plummet*

31. **Compulsory** adj Required by law or a rule; obligatory. *Compulsory military service*

31.1. **Necessary** adj Needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential. *They granted the necessary planning permission*

31.2. Essential

31.3. **Mandatory** adj Required by law or mandate; compulsory. wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists

31.4. **Obligatory** adj Required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory. *Use of seat belts in cars in now obligatory*

32. Politics

32.1. **Reform** -verb Make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practace) in order to improve it.

32.2. **Pacify** -verb Bring peace to (a country or warring factions), especially by the use or threat of military force. *The general pacified northern Italy*

32.3. **Colony** -noun A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country. *Syrian forces overran the French colony*

33. New vocabs

33.1. Consice

33.2. Vague

33.3. Shove

34. Celebrity

34.1. Celebrities

35. Properties

36. Acceptable

36.1. **Adequate** -adj satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. *This office is perfectly adequate for my needs*


37.1. Nutrition

37.2. **Nourishment** The nourishment of soymilk.

37.3. **Nutritional** Nutritional benefits of dairymilk.

37.4. **Dietician** Dietician Hesham says that "Eating less is ultimately reducing weight"

37.5. **Dietary** There is a dietary misconception

37.6. **Detrimental** Tending to cause harm. *It is the most detrimental milk *

37.7. **Deit**

38. Amount

38.1. **Scarce** -adj insufficient for the demand (especially of food, money, or some other resources) *as raw materials became scarce, synthetics were developed*

38.2. **Plethora** -noun A large or excessive amount of something. A plethora of unemployeed graduaters

39. Difficult

39.1. **Elusive** -adj Difficult to find, catch, or achieve. *Success will become ever more elusive*

39.2. **Daunting** -adj Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. *A daunting task*

40. Research and Science

40.1. **Hypothesis** noun Proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence without any assumption of truth. *The hypothesis that every event has a cause*

41. Feelings

41.1. Calm

41.1.1. **Placate** -verb Make someone less angry or hostel *They attempted to placate the students with promises*

41.1.2. **Quiet** -adj Little or no noise *The car has a quiet, economical engine* **Quieten** -verb

41.1.3. **Appease** -verb Pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands. *Amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups*

41.1.4. **Pacify** verb Quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of. *He had tp pacify angry spectators*

41.2. Nervous Anxieous

41.2.1. **Agitation** A state of anxiety or nervous excitement

41.3. Concern

41.4. Thirsty

41.5. Interest

41.5.1. **Keen** adj • Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm. *A keen gardener* • (of a sense) highly developed. *I have keen eyesight* *I have to do it but I'm really not very keen*

41.5.2. **Enthusiasm** -adj enthusiasm is a passionate and intense emotion that fuels excitement, engagement, and positivity in various aspects of life. It is a driving force that inspires individuals to wholeheartedly embrace and pursue their interests, goals, and endeavors. *I approached my new career with great enthusiasm and excitement*

41.6. Fear

41.6.1. **Formidable** -adj. Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. *A formidable opponent*

42. Hidden

42.1. **Obscure** adj. Not discovered or known about; uncertain. *His origins and parentage are obscure*

42.2. Uncertain

42.3. lesser-known

43. Knowledge

43.1. **Realization** noun An act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact. *An alarming realization*

44. Interior design