Physics - Mass, Weight, Density

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Physics - Mass, Weight, Density af Mind Map: Physics - Mass, Weight, Density

1. Mass

1.1. is the amount of matter on an object body

1.2. SI Unit: kilograms (kg)

1.3. is a scalar quantity, has no direction

1.4. is measured by:

1.4.1. Beam Balance

1.4.2. Electronic Balance

1.5. Mass will not be affected by weight/gravitational force.

2. Weight

2.1. is the gravitational force acting on an object

2.2. SI Unit: Newtons (N)

2.3. is a force

2.4. is measured by: (because of these, weight is given in kg)

2.4.1. Electronic Balance

2.4.2. Spring Balance

2.4.3. Beam Balance

2.4.4. Bathroom Scale

2.5. changes with location

2.5.1. e.g. on the moon & on Earth

2.6. force is downwards direction towards Earth

2.7. Weight = Mass x Gravitational Force

2.7.1. relates to F=ma

2.8. will be affected/dependent on mass

2.8.1. the more the mass, the more the weight

3. Inertia

3.1. Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest.

3.2. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion.

3.3. Inertia also refers to an object's amount of resistance to change in velocity.

3.4. It means that an object will remain at rest and in motion at constant speed and in a straight in unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

3.5. What affects Inertia?

3.5.1. Mass of an object The more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. The larger a mass is, the more resistant it is to a change in velocity.

3.5.2. Velocity of an object

3.6. Examples of Inertia

3.6.1. If you throw a bowling ball with the same amount of force or newtons as a tennis ball, the tennis ball would go further than the bowling ball because it has lesser mass compared to the bowling ball.

3.6.2. If you are in a car going 80 miles an hour and you crash, your body will keep going at 80 miles an hour because you are not part of the car and are not attached (if you are not wearing a seatbelt) 

4. Gravitational Field Strength

4.1. Gravitational Field is a region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction

4.2. is a gravitational force acting per unit mass on an object

4.3. acceleration due to gravity

4.4. SI Unit: N/kg

4.5. Weight/Mass