Game Studies, Carleton University

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Game Studies, Carleton University by Mind Map: Game Studies, Carleton University

1. Courses

1.1. Computer Science

1.1.1. COMP 1008 [0.5 credit] Math for Game Programmers

1.1.2. COMP 1501 [0.5 credit] Introduction to Computer Game Design

1.1.3. COMP 2501 [0.5 credit] Computer Game Design and Development

1.1.4. COMP 3501 [0.5 credit] Foundations of Game Programming and Computer Graphics

1.1.5. COMP 4002 [0.5 credit] Real-Time 3D Game Engines

1.1.6. COMP 4501 [0.5 credit] Advanced Facilities for Real-Time Games

1.2. Interactive Multimedia and Design

1.2.1. IMD 2006 [0.5 credit] Introduction to Game Design and Development

1.2.2. IMD 4006 [0.5 credit] Advanced Game Design and Development

1.3. Information Technology

1.3.1. ITEC 5203 [0.5 credit] Game Design and Development Technologies

1.4. Mathematics

1.4.1. MATH 3808 [0.5 credit] Mathematical Analyses of Games of Chance

1.4.2. MATH 4807 [0.5 credit] Game Theory (Honours)

1.4.3. MATH 5607 [0.5 credit] (MAT 5324) Game Theory

1.5. Communications

1.5.1. COMS 4412A Game Studies

1.6. Economics

1.6.1. ECON 4025 [0.5 credit] Game Theory and Economics

1.7. Film Studies

1.7.1. FILM 2809 [0.5 credit] The Video Game

1.8. History

1.8.1. FYSM1405A (2022) Gaming the Middle Ages (special topics)

1.8.2. FYSM 1405C: “The Long Civil Rights Movement”(History taught via Reacting to the Past role-playing games)

1.8.3. HIST1900? History of Sport

1.8.4. HIST 3812A: Digital History – “Playful Engagement with the Past” - cross-listed with DIGH 3812A (special topics)

1.8.5. History of Hockey (Erica)

2. Theses

2.1. Theses and dissertations in Curve

3. Earth Sciences

3.1. Faculty

3.1.1. Joanna Northover

4. Interdisciplinary Studies

4.1. Student

4.1.1. Chaoyang Zhang


5.1. Faculty

5.1.1. Mike Barker

5.1.2. Helen Triantafellou

6. People with solid coloured name are no longer here at Carleton

7. Library Game Collection

7.1. Power up! Building a games collection at an academic library

7.2. Level up! Designing a gaming lab at Carleton University

7.3. The Protean Challenge of Game Collections at Academic Libraries

7.4. Library Games

7.4.1. Sources

7.4.2. Escape Room (design in progress)

8. Comp Sci

8.1. Faculty

8.1.1. Oliver van Kaick

8.1.2. Connor Hillen

8.1.3. David Mould

9. Library

9.1. Ryan Tucci

9.1.1. Sources

9.2. Martha Attridge Bufton

9.2.1. *Do We Take Shelter * Reacting to the Past minigame (Beta-testing)

9.3. Georges Duimovich

9.4. David Jackson

9.4.1. on sabbatical

9.5. Emma Cross

9.6. Robert Smith

9.7. Jenna Stidwell

9.8. Jessica Lynch

9.9. Linnet Whiston

9.10. John Conklin (Co-op MLIS)

10. Philosophy

10.1. Grad Students

10.1.1. Aydin Karasapan (MA)

11. Film Studies

11.1. Faculty

11.1.1. Aubrey Anable

12. Economics

12.1. Faculty

12.1.1. Radovan Vadovič

13. School of Information Technology

13.1. Faculty

13.1.1. David Thue

13.1.2. K.C Collins

14. English

14.1. Faculty

14.1.1. Brian Greenspan

14.2. Grad Students

14.2.1. Adam Benn (PhD, 2017)

14.2.2. Ross Chiason

14.2.3. Hong Nguyen-Sears

15. Greek and Roman Studies

15.1. Faculty

15.1.1. Laura Banducci

16. History

16.1. Grad Students

16.1.1. Noah Chapman (MA)

16.1.2. Jonah Ellens (MA)

16.1.3. Sam Nicholls (MA)

16.1.4. Jihad Bayoun

16.1.5. Corey Safinuk

16.1.6. Emma Perreault

16.2. Faculty

16.2.1. Shawn Graham

16.2.2. Marc Saurette

16.2.3. Pamela Walker

16.2.4. Matt Bellamy

16.2.5. Erica Fraser

16.2.6. Jeremiah McCall (Adj. Research Pr)

16.2.7. Amanda Montague (DH PostDoc)

17. Sociology

17.1. Faculty

17.1.1. William Flynn?

17.2. Grad Students

17.2.1. Sarah Sharp (PhD)


18.1. Grad Students

18.1.1. Victoria Hawco (PhD)

18.1.2. Alice Zhou (PhD)

19. University Archives

19.1. Keegan Speelman

20. More

20.1. People

20.1.1. Carleton History Jeremiah McCall Shawn Graham Marc Saurette Pamela Walker Matthew Bellamy

20.1.2. Ubisoft Maxime Durand

20.1.3. UMontreal Education Marc André Éthier

20.1.4. UQOutaouais (Gatineau) Education David Lefrançois