How can we support teachers and learners to connect to and engage with digital texts and e-learni...

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How can we support teachers and learners to connect to and engage with digital texts and e-learning tools? por Mind Map: How can we support teachers and learners to connect to and engage with digital texts and e-learning tools?

1. to find texts

1.1. to comprehend

1.1.1. ?

1.2. to connect

1.2.1. ?

2. to create, edit, publish and share texts

2.1. ?

3. to work efficiently with applications and technology

3.1. ?

4. to synthesise multiple information streams

4.1. New node

4.1.1. New node

5. to interpret

5.1. to evaluate

5.1.1. ?

6. to analyse

6.1. to critique

7. to collaborate

7.1. ?