Cloud Engineer

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Cloud Engineer by Mind Map: Cloud Engineer

1. 1. Study Software Concepts

1.1. Choose a Programming Language

1.1.1. Java

1.1.2. AngularJS

1.1.3. Python

1.2. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or a Bootcamp with experience

1.3. Computer Networking

2. 2. Study Cloud Concepts

2.1. Basics and Terms

2.2. Deployment Models

2.3. Auto-scaling

2.4. Clustering

2.5. Data Storage Infrastructure

2.6. DevOps

2.7. CI/DI

2.8. Virtual Machines

2.9. Global Deployments

2.10. Cloud Security Practices

2.11. Serverless Cloud Model

3. 3. Learn Cloud Tools

3.1. VMware

3.2. DevOps Tools

3.3. Jenkins

3.4. GitHub

3.5. Ansible

3.6. Containerization

3.7. Kubernetes

3.8. Docker

4. 4.Get certified in a Cloud Platform

4.1. AWS

4.2. Azure

4.3. Google Cloud