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Educator by Mind Map: Educator

1. Knowledge

1.1. child development

1.1.1. social/emotional

1.1.2. exceptionalities

1.1.3. cognitive

1.1.4. physical

1.2. content

1.2.1. Math

1.2.2. Language Arts

1.2.3. Arts

1.2.4. Social Studies

1.2.5. Science

1.3. learning styles

2. Beliefs

2.1. About schooling

2.1.1. universal right to education

2.1.2. public should fund

2.1.3. Parent support - essential

2.2. About children

2.2.1. All can learn

2.2.2. different is good

2.2.3. must meet individual needs

2.3. About the field

2.3.1. research must inform practice

2.3.2. practice must inform research

3. Traits

3.1. compassion

3.2. sense of humor

3.3. patience

3.3.1. tolerance

3.4. kindness

3.4.1. sensitivity to child's needs

3.4.2. concern for whole child

3.4.3. even tempered

4. Skills

4.1. communication

4.1.1. interpersonal

4.1.2. written

4.1.3. verbal

4.2. use of technology

4.2.1. productivity

4.2.2. teaching

4.2.3. motivation

4.2.4. professional development

4.3. organizational

4.3.1. record keeping

4.3.2. educational resources