What is the most interesting city in Indonesia that you want to visit? why do you want to visit and why you think it is interesting?
by Irma Savitri Sadikin
1. YogyakartaYogyakartYogyakartaYoYogyakartaYoYogyakartaYogyakartYogyakartaYor
2. Dieng, jawa tengah. I like cold places.
3. BBAli, because there are a lot of beautiful beachesBaliBBAlBaliBalibeBBAlBalibeachesBaliBBAlBaliBalibeBBAlBalibeachesBaliBBAlBaliBalibeBBAlBali
4. Yogyakarta because there'stherestherethere'stherethere's has many historical placesthere'stheresththere'stheresthplaces
4.1. Yogyakarta
5. i wanna go to LombokLombNTBNTNTBNTLombLombokLombNTBN
6. It Was Pulau Seribu
7. MMalioborMMaliobor
8. labuan bajo
9. Raja Ampat, because there's a beatiful beach and coral reefs
10. Bali, Because I wanna see one of the beautiful place in bali, that's Bedugul.
11. Bali, because bali has many interesting place to visit
12. BanBangka belitung because there's a lot of beach and the food are good
13. I want to go to Bandung brcause it has a destination called Ranca Upas that we can have a camp on there and we can see many deers on there.
14. Bali cause there have beautiful beach and I Curious with the place
15. Dufan, because I can playplayplay
16. IKN
17. MMalioboro because a lot of food an
18. Raja Ampat, because i like the ocean
19. Lembang because it is feel cold and relaxing -Nath
20. makasar, because there's a lot of variety food that looks good
21. Yogyakarta because I think there are a lot of interesting culinary and musrums.
22. labuan bajoooooooooòbajooooooooo
23. Raja aaampat because i love blue beaches
24. Bali, I miss the atmosphere of Bali, because I have lived there for several years
25. I like to go to Bali, because i have never been there, so i want to know what Bali is like.
25.1. I like to go to bali
26. Places that have beaches like in Manado or Raja Ampat. I like beaches and the blue ocean.
27. Pati, central Java because it's my hometown
28. Rifa. Bangka Belitung, because theres a lot of beach and also many delicious food.
29. Labuan Bajo, Meidita
30. Tanah lot, Riando
31. I want to visit
32. Bali, because the beaches are famous and I haven't been there before