Causes of the civil war By: Jonae Gardner

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Causes of the civil war By: Jonae Gardner by Mind Map: Causes of the civil war  By: Jonae Gardner

1. The fugitive slave act

1.1. 1850

1.2. In the election of 1848 the controversy over the democrats led to the development of the free-soil party. Democrats nominated senator Lewis cass of Michigan the Whigs nominated Zachary and the free-soil party nominated former democratic president Martin. senator cass suggested that the people in each new territory should vote for themselves whether or not to allow slavery. Zachary Taylor a hero of the Mexican -American Whig won the election.

1.3. The fugitive slave act

2. Uncle toms cabin

2.1. 1852

2.2. Uncle toms cabin

2.3. Written by harrit Beemer Stowe in 1852, it was a novel about kindly Uncle Tom an enslaved man who is abused Blythe cruel Simon legree. The book became a best seller in the shocked thousands of people whoa had been unconcerned with slavery before reading the book. The book caused people to view slavery as a human, moral problem And not just a political issue. White southerns were outraged.

3. Bleeding Kansas

3.1. 1855

3.2. bleeding kansas

3.3. kansas now had two governments. violence broke out. in april a proslavery sheriff was shot whne he tried to arrest some anitlsavery settlers in the town of lawrence. he returned the next month with 800 men and attacked the town. three days later jonh brown an anitslavery settler from conneticut let seven men to a proslavery settlement near pottawatomie creek and murdered five proslavery mne and boys. this started widespread fighting in kansas.

4. Bloodshed in the senate

4.1. 1855

4.2. bloodshed in the senate

4.3. charles summer of massacusets was th elkeading aboliton senator and made fiery speeches denouncing the proslavery legisture in kansas. in one of his speeches he signed out andrew buttler who was an edlerly senator from south carolina who was not present when he gave his soeech. a few days latere his nepphew, congressmen preston brooks marched into the senate chamber and beat sumner with a heavy cane unitll he fell to the floor bloody and unconscious. sumner never really recoverd from his injuries.

5. Republican Party

5.1. 1854

5.2. repulblican party

5.3. the whig party split in 1854 and many nothern whigs formed a new polictical party called the repulblican party. thier main goal was to stop the spread of slavery into the western territories. thier anislavery stand attracted many northern democrats and free-soil members. the party quilkly became very powerful. in the first congressional elctions held juss a few months after the party was created, 105 of 215 candidates were elected to the house of representtatives. democrats also lost control of two northern state legistaure. tow years later the party ran its first condidate for president, john c. fremont

6. The election in 1856

6.1. 1856

6.2. the election in 1856

6.3. first republican john c fremont ( army officer who help win californias independence in the mexican -american war ) waged a strong anislavery campiagn and won 11 of the 16 free states. democrat jomaes buchanan won the election.

7. Te Lincoln and Douglas debates

7.1. 1858

7.2. the lincooln and douglas debates

7.3. Lincoln was chosen as the Whigs candidate for Senate against senator douglas in 1858. Lincoln and douglas were political and personal rivals(both had dated mary todd and she married lincoln). lincoln challenged douglas to a series of debate. thousands gathered to hear them speak. newpapers reported what each man said throughout the nation.

8. Political parties divide

8.1. 1860

8.2. polictical parties divide

8.3. the democrats party split into two parties during the electio of 1860 because northern democrats refused to support slavery in the territoies. some southern wnate dto fix the problems between the north and south and formed the consitituion union party. they wanted to protect slavery and keep the nation together.

9. The economy of the north And south

9.1. 1820

9.2. the economy of te north and south

9.3. the north idustrail with slaves and paid workers. the south was agriculture with large plantations and small farms. slave labor was used in the south.

10. The confederate states of america

10.1. 1861

10.2. the confederate states of america

10.3. in febuary of 1861, the leaders of the beaven states that left the union met in montgomery, alabama to form a new nation that they called the confederate states of america. by the time lincoln took office in march, they had written a consitution and named former senator jefferson as president.

11. The Missouri comprise

11.1. 1820

11.2. The Missouri compromise

11.3. As America began moving west the issues of whether or not slaves should be allowed in the new states forming out west became an issue. The first state in which this became an issue in Missouri. It's addition to the United States threatened to upset the balance between free states and slave states . In 1820 senator Henry clay persuaded congress to approve the Missouri comprise. Missouri was admitted as a slave state. Louisiana North of Missouri southern border was free. Southern slave owners gained the right to pursue escaped fugitives.

12. The wilmot proviso

12.1. 1848

12.2. The wilmot proviso

12.3. Since the Missouri compromise did not apply large territory gained from Mexico in 1848, representatives David Wilson of Pennsylvania proposed that congress ban slavery in all territory that might become part of the united states as a result of the Mexican-American war. The proposal passed in the house but failed in the senate..

13. Free-soil party

13.1. 1848

13.2. Free-soil party

13.3. In he election of 1848, both the Whigs part and the Democratic Party hoped to win by not taking a stand on the issue of slavery. Antislavery Whigs and democrats joined forces to create a new political party. It called for the territory gained in the Mexican-American war to be free soil, a place where slavery was banned.

14. Election of Zachary Taylor

14.1. 1848

14.2. In the election of 1848 the controversy over the democrats led to the development of the free-soil party. Democrats nominated senator Lewis cass of Michigan the Whigs nominated Zachary and the free-soil party nominated former democratic president Martin. senator cass suggested that the people in each new territory should vote for themselves whether or not to allow slavery. Zachary Taylor a hero of the Mexican -American Whig won the election.

14.3. Election of Zachary Taylor

15. The compromise of 1850

15.1. 1850

15.2. the compromise of 1850

15.3. gold was found in california and thousands moved o the area. soon the territory had enough people to be admitted as a state. since it was above the missouri compromise line, people felt it would be a free state. this amgered the south and they threatned to secede ( leave the union). the compromise was compromise was proposed by senator henry clay of kentucky in jnauary, 1850. he hoped this compromise would end the debate over fudgitive forever.

16. The Kansas-Nebraska act

16.1. 1854

16.2. The Kansas-Nebraska act

16.3. Senator Stephen Douglas pushed through the act in 1854 which lefty enacting closer to war. He wanted to see a railroad built from Illinois through the Nebraska territory to the pacific coast. He suggested creating two new territory's the Kansas territory and the Nebraska territory. Both were above the Missouri comprise line and would become free states which upset the territory. T win southern support he suggested that the issue of silvery be resolved by popular sovereignty. This would undo the Missouri compromise.

17. Dred Scott v. Sanford case

17.1. 1857

17.2. dred scottv. sanford case

17.3. dred scott was an enslaved person who had once been owned by a U.S. Army doctor. Southerners were happy because slavery was legal in all territories. Northerners were upset because now slavery could spread to the west.

18. John brown attacks harpers ferry

18.1. 1859

18.2. john brown attacks harpers ferry

18.3. john brown was driven out of Kansas after the pottawatomie creek massacre and returned to new englaned. In 1859, Brown and a small group of supporters attacked the town of harpers ferry, virginia.

19. The election of 1860

19.1. 1860

19.2. the election of 1860

19.3. repulblicians chose abrahamn lincoln to run for president in 1860. northern democrats nominated steohen douglas as ther canidate. souther n democrats chose vice president john breakinrlage of kentucky. the consituton union nominated john bell of tennesse. the election showed just had fragmented the ation had become. lincoln won every free state and breckenridge won all slave states execpt four. bell won kentucky tenesse and virginia. douglas won missouri. lincoln received 40% of the popular vote but received enough electoral votes to win the electin and become president.

20. southern states secede

20.1. 1860

20.2. southern states secede

20.3. lincolns election made the south feel that they no longer hsd a voice in the national government. they believed that the president and congress were aginst ther interests, especally slavery. south carolina seceded ( left the united states ) first when the news of lincolns election reavhed the state. they called for a special convection. on december 20, 1860 the convection passes a declaration that the union now subsisting between south carolina and the other states under the name of the united states of america is hereby dissolved six more states followed south carolina out of the union.

21. crittenden plan

21.1. 1861

21.2. crittenden plan

21.3. a plan developed by john j. crittenden of kentucky to compromise with the south one last time. it was presented to congress in late febuary, 1861 while the south was forming its new government but it did not pass.