1. Work Experience
1.1. Team Leader
1.1.1. Ittilan
1.1.2. August 2011 — till now
1.1.3. http://ittilan.ru
1.1.4. Saint Petersburg
1.2. Developer SharePoint and Silverlight
1.2.1. Ittilan
1.2.2. September 2010 — August 2011
1.2.3. http://ittilan.ru
1.2.4. Saint Petersburg
1.3. Developer C#
1.3.1. NetWrix Corporation
1.3.2. December 2009 — July 2010
1.3.3. http://netwrix.com/
1.3.4. Saint Petersburg
1.4. Developer C#
1.4.1. Ryxen
1.4.2. December 2008 — September 2009
1.4.3. http://ryxen.com/
1.4.4. Penza
2. Objective
2.1. Senior Developer SharePoint
3. Personal information
3.1. Date of birth
3.1.1. 17.01.1988
3.2. Name
3.2.1. Khritonenkov Anton
4. Contact information
4.1. Telephone
4.1.1. 8-921-407-96-68
4.2. E-Mail
4.2.1. [email protected]
4.3. LinkedIn
4.3.1. http://akhritonenkov.moikrug.ru
4.4. Moikrug
4.4.1. http://linkedin.com/in/khritonenkov
4.5. Blog
4.5.1. http://khdraft.blogspot.com/
5. Education
5.1. Master
5.1.1. 2009-2011
5.1.2. Magistracy degree
5.1.3. Informatic and computer science
5.2. Bachelor
5.2.1. 2005-2009
5.2.2. Bachelor degree
5.2.3. Informatic and computer science
6. Languages
6.1. Russian
6.1.1. Mother tongue
6.2. English
6.2.1. Good
7. Special skills
7.1. Systems
7.1.1. Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista/7
7.1.2. Linux (Ubuntu)
7.1.3. DOC
7.2. Programming languages
7.2.1. C#(Windows Forms/ ASP.NET)
7.2.2. Object Pascale
7.2.3. C++
7.2.4. HTML
7.2.5. XML
7.2.6. JavaScript
7.2.7. SQL
7.3. Soft
7.3.1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008
7.3.2. Borland Delphi 7
7.3.3. Borland Developer Studio 2006
7.3.4. C++ Builder
7.3.5. TopStyle
7.3.6. Macromedia Dreamweaver
7.3.7. Visual Source Safe
7.3.8. Tortoise
7.3.9. Redmine
7.3.10. ClearQuest
7.3.11. Silverrun
7.3.12. Rational Rose
7.4. DBMS
7.4.1. Postgre
7.4.2. MS SQL
7.4.3. InterBase\Firebird
7.4.4. MySQL