Washington DC
by Shivraj Gill

1. local interests that could be incorporated in their product
1.1. movies
1.2. sports
1.3. eat in restaurants
2. competition
2.1. mens clothing retails
2.1.1. American Eagle Outfitters, Inc (American Eagle Outfitters)
2.1.2. Guess
2.2. womens clothing retails
2.2.1. Anntaylor Retail, Inc (Ann Taylor)
2.2.2. Guess
2.3. kids clothing retails
2.3.1. Dawn Price Baby LLC
2.3.2. Gap
2.3.3. New node
3. areas of the city suitable for business
3.1. Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC Downtown
3.1.1. address:815 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20005
4. Tax rates
4.1. there are no tax rates in washington
4.2. there is only gross recpiants tax, the tax rates are .471% for retail sales, .484 for wholesale,1.5 for service
5. Comment
5.1. Cool! I like how you changed the colour of some of your writing! -Ryley
6. Comment
6.1. That's interesting they speak the same main languages as the city I'm doing! -Ryley
7. Comment
7.1. Very nice, I like the colors and should add somthing for competion -Robby
8. Economics
8.1. Washington DC has made 22.8 billion dollars worth of projects
8.2. Federal spending, in 2007 ($1000) 43,475,002
8.3. Trade Sales 2,971,507
9. Transportation Links
9.1. buses
9.2. cars
9.3. sky trains
9.4. subway
10. Services
10.1. Major bank: The World Bank
10.2. Department of Employment Services
10.3. DC Department of Motor Vehicles
11. demographics
11.1. population is 591,833
11.2. people
11.2.1. 5 and under 6.1%
11.2.2. 18 and under 18.9%
11.2.3. 65 and over 11.9%
11.2.4. female 52.7
11.3. Major languages spoken
11.3.1. Spanish
11.3.2. English