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Distend (Verb) создатель Mind Map: Distend (Verb)

1. Antonyms

1.1. Contract

1.2. Deflate

1.3. Shrink

1.4. Collapse

1.5. Diminish

2. Synonyms

2.1. Belly

2.2. Bulge

2.3. Puff

2.4. Inflate

2.5. Enlarge

3. Definition

3.1. -Cause something to swell up by stretching it from the inside.

3.2. -To extend.

3.3. -To cause expansion by applying internal pressure.

4. Examples

4.1. Distended balloon

4.2. Distended Heart

4.3. Distended Ball

5. Other Forms

5.1. Distended (Adj.)