Review Of Client Interview

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Review Of Client Interview por Mind Map: Review Of Client Interview

1. Organization and Storage Issues

1.1. Cluttered house

1.2. Using makeup table for schoolwork

1.3. Items end up on the floor or piled up

2. Ergonomics

2.1. DIY shelves

3. Expected Benefits of Product

3.1. Dedicated organization solution

3.2. Tidy room

4. Ergonomics

4.1. The science of designing products and environments to fit the physical needs and capabilities of users

5. Desired Features

5.1. Specific item storage positions

5.2. Customizable design

6. Impact on Work as a Student

6.1. Difficulty focusing

6.2. Increased frustration

7. Anthropometrics

7.1. The study of human body measurements to ensure that products and spaces are ergonomically designed to fit users comfortably.