1. Social Studies
1.1. Vote for what to plant in the garden (AZELS Soc. Stu. S3C1)
1.2. Create Map of Garden (AZELS Soc. Stu. S4C1)
2. Language and Literacy
2.1. Books (AZELS S2C1)
2.1.1. "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Krauss
2.1.2. "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle
2.1.3. "How a Seed Grows" by Helene J. Jordan
2.1.4. "Growing Vegetable Soup" by Lois Ehlert
2.2. Fingerplays and Music (see Fine Arts) (AZELS Lan. Lit. S1C1)
2.3. Vocabulary: Root, seed, Stem, germination (AZELS Lan. Lit. S2C5)
2.4. Observation Journal: Students record observations of garden weekly (pictures, dictation, etc.)
3. Physical Development, Health and Safety
3.1. Planting a garden (AZELS Phys. Health and Safety S1C3)
3.1.1. Pulling Weeds
3.1.2. Adding dirt
3.2. Music and Movement (see Fine Arts) (AZELS Phys. Health and Safety S1C2)
3.3. Discovering leaves that we eat (AZELS Phys. Health and Safety S2C1)
3.4. Discovering seeds that we eat (AZELS Phys. Health and Safety S2C1)
3.5. Finding seeds in food we eat (AZELS Phys. Health and Safety S2C1)
4. Mathematics
4.1. Math Center
4.1.1. Flower/Garden 4-10 piece puzzles
4.1.2. Flower Pattering Activity(AZELS MAth S3C1)
4.2. Daily Math Activity
4.2.1. Parts of a Plant: Identify 4 parts of a Plant: root, leaf, stem, flower. Activity is puzzle form (AZELS Math S5C1)
4.2.2. One to One Counting with seeds (AZELS Math S1C1)
4.2.3. Color matching Activity (match color of seed to color of flower) (AZELS Math S2C1)
4.2.4. Addition with seeds (AZELS Math S1C1)
4.2.5. Seed Sorting - Sort seeds by similarities (AZELS Math S2C1)
5. Social Emotional
5.1. Dramatic Play (See Fine Arts) (AZELS Soc. Emo. S2C2)
5.2. Planting a Garden (AZELS Soc. Emo. S4C1, S4C2, S4C5)
5.3. Participation in Classroom Activities (AZELS Soc. Emo. S4C1, S4C2, S4C5)
6. Science
6.1. Planting a garden (AZELS Sci S1C1, S1C2, S1C3, S1C4)
6.2. Discovering leaves that we eat (AZELS Sci S1C1, S1C2, S1C3, S1C4)
6.3. Discovering seeds that we eat (AZELS Sci S1C1, S1C2, S1C3, S1C4)
6.4. Finding seeds in food we eat (AZELS Sci S1C1, S1C2, S1C3, S1C4)
6.5. Parts of a Flower (see Mathematics)
7. Fine Arts
7.1. Music and Movement (AZELS Fine Arts S2C1 and S2C2)
7.1.1. "Seed, Seed, Plant" (group activity, like "Duck, Duck, Goose)
7.1.2. "How does a seed grow"
7.1.3. "My Garden" (fingerplay)
7.2. Art/Crafts (AZELS Fine Arts S1C1)
7.2.1. Vegetable Prints
7.2.2. Seed Collage
7.2.3. Coffee Filter Flowers
7.3. Dramatic Play (AZELS Fine Arts S3C1)
7.3.1. Flower and Seed Shop (AZELS Fine Arts S3C2) Dramatic play area set up as seed and flower store. Props include various seeds, small bags, artificial flowers, vases, styrofoam, grocery bags, calculators, pens, pencils, pads of paper.