My first eportfoilio

A list of options about my self.

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My first eportfoilio by Mind Map: My first eportfoilio

1. Contact

1.1. Email

2. School

2.1. Media

2.1.1. Photography

2.1.2. Film making

3. Portfolio

3.1. Pictures

4. Interests

4.1. Music

4.1.1. Brit pop

4.1.2. Beatles

4.1.3. Reegae

4.2. Books

4.2.1. JK rowling

4.2.2. Gone series

4.2.3. Percy jackson

4.3. Film

4.3.1. 300

4.3.2. Steamboy

4.3.3. Yellow submarine

4.4. Interactive media

4.4.1. Assassins creed

4.4.2. Guitar hero

5. Home

5.1. About me

6. Contact

7. Documents

7.1. New node