Design Resources
by General BCN
1. Master Documents
2. Design Methodologies
2.1. Design Thinking
2.2. Service Design
2.3. Human Centered Design Toolkit
2.3.1. Persona Canvas Template
3. Resources from the Web
3.1. Free Photos
3.1.1. Free to Use Photos
3.1.2. 20 links
3.1.3. Free links
3.2. Free SVG images
4. Social Media
4.1. Recommendations for OS Social Media
4.2. Useful Photos
5. Branding
6. Business Cards
6.1. Business Cards (svg Format)
6.1.1. frontside
6.1.2. backside
6.2. Business Cards (ai Format)
7. Software for Design
7.1. Wireframing with Mockflow [Freemium]
7.2. Vector graphics with Inkscape [open source]
7.3. Automating Tasks with Zapier and Airtable
8. Branding from Partners
8.1. BSM UPF
8.1.1. BSM Branding Book 2019
8.1.2. Master Presentation BSM
9. Things Half Ready
9.1. Flyer Templates
9.2. OuiShare World Map
9.3. Masterclass Flyer Template
9.4. Event Flyer with Some Info
9.5. Master Presentation in Google Slides
9.6. Selected Presentations
9.7. Template Canvases
10. Brand Book
10.1. Colours, Fonts, Logos and Stuff
10.1.1. Logos Ouishare logo Rethink & Remix Logos Lab Ouishare Chronos Ouishare Foundation Logos from Friends
10.1.2. Fonts
10.1.3. Backgrounds OuiShare Fest 2016 OuiShare Fest 2015 OuiShare Fest 2014
10.1.4. Colour Palette - Brandbook & page 9 Old Colour Palette