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Advisory создатель Mind Map: Advisory

1. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Albert Einstein

2. 3 Who can you ask for help?

2.1. Hailey-teacher

2.2. Anna - Anyone who's good at the subject I am working on, teachers, parents, etc.

2.3. Matt-My Moma

2.4. Karoli-my parents

2.5. Mariana-an adult

2.6. Alli-Mr.Wolf

2.7. My parents

3. 5 Will you ask for help? Why or Why not

3.1. Anna - I only ask for help if I am completely stuck on something. Otherwise, I try and solve it myself.

3.2. Hailey-Maybe because sometime I feel weird asking for help and sometimes I don't! :0

3.3. john-Yes Because I need help

3.4. Matt-Yes so my brother will not beat me up

3.5. Karoli-depends on what the subject is, but I might not want help because I have to learn how to do stuff on my own

3.6. Mariana-yes so I don't ever stay struggled

4. 4 Can they help?

4.1. Hailey-Most likely

4.2. Anna - Depends on the subject and the difficulty of the problem or worksheet

4.3. Matt- yes

4.4. Karoli-depends on what I'm asking

4.5. Mariana-yes

4.6. Some times

5. New node

6. Anna - Too much to do, so little time!

6.1. me too!

7. 2 What is the greatest obstacle you face at school?

7.1. Anna - Doing every piece of homework on time and correctly, along with my activities and fun stuff I like to do

7.2. Hailey-Changing classes

7.3. My brother-Matt

7.4. Karoli-homework

7.5. Mariana-reading

8. What obstacles are you facing

8.1. John-Homework

8.2. Changing classes

8.3. Hailey-my brother

8.4. Homework

8.5. Karoli-practing instrument everyday

8.5.1. Mariana-speaking out loud

8.6. Alli-Older Sister