3D CG Anim

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3D CG Anim por Mind Map: 3D CG Anim

1. 製作流程

1.1. imageplane

2. 動畫法則

2.1. 動畫十二原則 (+2)

2.1.1. 動畫的十二個法則

2.2. 【Disney Principles 迪士尼動畫原則之 Staging】【J⁺】

3. 3D CG

3.1. Maya 快速操作

3.1.1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DXLUgnnD0C0/U_svxRyEKlI/AAAAAAAAAME/dsfObdb8x0U/s1600/View%2Band%2BCamera%2BControl%2Bin%2BMaya%2B01.jpg

3.1.2. https://img00.deviantart.net/ff62/i/2016/098/c/8/maya_hotkeys_sheet_by_crimsonsun1902-d9y7to0.jpg

3.2. 動畫師訓練

3.2.1. 角色動畫師的進化論(轉貼/作者陶冶) TM_Ani_ – Google Drive Animation Principles

3.2.2. 彈跳球Bouncing ball iAnimate Week 3 Bouncing Ball Animation Test Bowling Soccer Tennis

3.2.3. 狐狸尾巴 foxtail Fox Tail Jump

3.3. 基本建模

3.4. 變形器

3.4.1. lattice Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

4. 法國麥當勞廣告 https://vimeo.com/354894903

5. 方向

5.1. Char

5.2. Object

5.2.1. Somei SOMEI 晟

5.2.2. Yoshiki Lai Yoshiki Lai

6. 動畫歷史

6.1. 1914 Gertie the Dinosaur Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) - World's 1st Keyframe Animation Cartoon - Winsor McCay

6.2. 1928 Steamboat Willie Disney Shorts (HD) - 1928 - Steamboat Willie (2011 restoration)

6.3. 1937 Snowwhite Disney: The Making Of Snow White ( 1937 )

7. 綁定

7.1. Build A Human Character Rig In Maya and Spline IK With Cluster Deformers