IGCSE ICT PRACTICAL (Taking Evidence) Names and Numbers on every page you print!

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IGCSE ICT PRACTICAL (Taking Evidence) Names and Numbers on every page you print! por Mind Map: IGCSE ICT PRACTICAL (Taking Evidence)  Names and Numbers on every page you print!

1. Paper 2

1.1. Document Production (Word)

1.1.1. 1. File name and file type: * Screenshot of folder

1.1.2. 2.Style Sheet: * Style sheet window * List of created styles

1.1.3. 3. Page setup window: * Margins * Page size * Portrait/Landscape)

1.1.4. 4. Navigation: * Bookmark/Anchor setting * Hyperlink settings

1.2. Database (Access)

1.2.1. 1. Table showing fields: * Table Design View * Show fields, data types and property changes

1.2.2. 2. Relationship: * Show link between correct fields * Show one-to-many relationship

1.2.3. 3. Data Entry Form: * Screenshot one record entered in the data entry form

1.2.4. 4. Report calculation: * Screenshot full calcualtion in the text box

1.3. Presentations (PowerPoint)

1.3.1. 1. Slide Master: * Screenshot the top level slide master and contents

1.3.2. 2. Animations: * Show animation pane * Show which items were animated * Show animation type * Show any delay used

1.3.3. 3 Slide Transitions: * View --> Slide Sorter * Show all slides and the star * Show transition type

1.3.4. 4. Navigation: * Bookmark/Anchor settings * Hyperlink settings

1.3.5. 5. Slideshow setup: * Slide Show --> Set Up Slide Show * Tick Loop continuous

2. Paper 3

2.1. Spreadsheets (Excel)

2.1.1. 1. Formulas/Functions (calculations): * Formulas --> Show Formulas * Columns wide enough to show the full formula * Print required cells (could be all cells or just a selection) * Make sure printout font is large enough to read * Name and numbers on every page (Header/Footer)

2.1.2. 2. Values (results of calculations): * Columns wide enough to show the values in full * Print required cells (could be all cells or just a selection) * Make sure printout font is large enough to see * Name and numbers on every page (Header/Footer)

2.2. Web Design (Expression/GIMP)

2.2.1. 1. Style Sheet Code (CSS): * Write CSS code in same order as questions * Comment your name/numbers / * * / * Screenshot/Copy Paste the entire CSS code * Make sure that code is large enough to read

2.2.2. 2. Web Page Code (HTML): * In Expression, click the 'Code' button * Coment your name/numbers <!-- --> * Screenshot/Copy Paste the entire HTML web page code * Make sure that code is large enough to read

2.2.3. 3. Final Web Page: * Run the web page in a browser (Chrome) * Screenshot the whole web page. Don't miss anything out * Screenshot should include the browser tab (to prove that it is running in the browser)