Christmas List
by Jenney Grover
1. Form
1.1. Priority
1.2. Name
1.2.1. Name
1.2.2. Age/Gender
1.3. Gift Ideas List
1.3.1. One box
1.3.2. After Add , then another box appears
1.4. Dollar Amount
1.4.1. Gift limit (i.e. $25)
1.4.2. Personal Limit
2. Display
2.1. Priority
2.2. Display
2.2.1. Name
2.2.2. List & $
2.3. Totals
2.3.1. # of people to buy for
2.3.2. total $ amount budgeted
2.4. Purchased/Completed Option
2.4.1. # of people done & update buy for total
2.4.2. $ amount spent & update $ amount budgeted
3. Functions
3.1. Priority
3.2. Save
3.2.1. Save to Local
3.2.2. Remember the key
3.3. Delete
3.3.1. Delete ALL
3.3.2. Delete One
3.4. Edit
3.4.1. Repopulate Form & Save
3.4.2. Do not add new key