Visualize a Sustainable Future

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Visualize a Sustainable Future por Mind Map: Visualize a Sustainable Future

1. Sustainable

1.1. Finances

1.2. People

1.2.1. #s

1.2.2. Demographics, youth, vigor

1.3. Outreach / Mission

2. Stakeholders

2.1. Members

2.2. Friends

2.3. Community

2.4. Tenants

2.4.1. AA

2.4.2. Vestry renters

2.5. Affiliated Groups

2.5.1. Spireside

2.5.2. Book Club

2.5.3. Men's Group

2.5.4. Lady's Game Night

2.5.5. Curios

2.5.6. Knitters / KISS

3. Congregation

3.1. Members

3.2. Worship Friends

3.3. Committee Members

4. Partnerships

4.1. St. Johns

4.2. Dunbarton Elementary School

5. Mission / Purpose

5.1. Service

5.1.1. Prayer Shawl Ministry

5.1.2. Food Baskets

5.1.3. Secret Elf

5.1.4. Roadside Cleanup

5.1.5. Food Pantry

5.1.6. Weddings, funerals, baptisms

5.2. Voice of Hope

5.2.1. Local

5.2.2. Global OGHS OCWM

5.2.3. National

5.3. Community Enrichment

5.3.1. Spiresid

5.3.2. Concert

5.3.3. Speakers

5.3.4. Food for Thought

6. Removing Barriers

6.1. Orthodoxy

6.2. Identity

6.3. Judgement

7. Communications Strategy

7.1. Social

7.2. How to amplify message?

8. Ideas

8.1. Survey community

8.2. Intersection of community needs & DCC abilities / resources

8.2.1. Food pantty

8.2.2. Funerals, weddings, baptismes

8.2.3. Gathering spaces

8.2.4. Service opportunities

8.2.5. Giving opportunities

8.2.6. Old Home Day

8.3. How to involve Garden Club

8.4. Companionship / Fellowship gatherings

8.5. DCC as a conduit for service & mission

8.6. New resident outreach / welcome basket