E-car control Experience (2)

In this experiment, you will create a robot whose motion is controlled by a MIDI signal (created with such a piano or voice information).

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E-car control Experience (2) por Mind Map: E-car control Experience (2)


2. Erasmus+

3. Perception

4. Intelligence

5. Design

6. Build

7. Arduino

7.1. 0.What is Arduino

7.2. 1.Connect Arduino Uno

7.3. 2.First Program

8. Action

9. How to move

9.1. 1.Connect DCmotor with Arduino

9.2. 2.Wiring DCmotor with Arduino

9.3. 3.Programm DCmotor with Arduino

9.4. ZIP-Library "Motorboard9110"

9.5. Programm example for US sensor

10. How to detect an obstacle?

10.1. US Sensor Data sheet

10.2. Detect an obstacle with US Sensor

10.3. ZIP-Library "US_Sensor."

11. Remote Control

11.1. Browser view

11.2. program flow shart and program example

11.3. Example Code for download

12. How to assemble real parts and components?

12.1. Assembly process

12.2. Assemble WEB-CAM

13. Vision system

13.1. Wiring WEB-CAM

13.2. Include WEB-CAM into Network