The Caste System in India

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The Caste System in India por Mind Map: The Caste System in India

1. Non-Hindus in the Caste System

1.1. Christians

1.1.1. Christian missionaries have been known to assist Indian Dalits with resources and education

1.1.2. 3 percent of India's population is Christian, they make up 50 percent of the Dalit population

1.1.3. Christian leaders in India provide a sense of protection for the Dalits, many on the NCM

1.2. Upper-class Christians

1.2.1. The upper class christians discriminate against lower class christians

1.2.2. Dalit christians do not go to the same church as them, or they sit in a different section of pews

1.2.3. they do not grant Dalits with education from the nuns or priests

1.2.4. Many Dalits have spoken out against the discrimination of the Catholic Church

1.3. Foreigners

1.3.1. All the people that are not hindu or not part of the 4 Varnas are considered "Untouchable"

1.3.2. Anyone that lives in India and comes from a different ancestry are part of a Rajput community

1.4. Jews

1.4.1. The Western Jews ( also called the Bene Israel) had a low status in India

1.4.2. Orthodox Hindus considered Jews Untouchables because they were non-Hindu

1.4.3. Jews in Southern India, (Cochini Jews) had a higher class in India

1.4.4. There are three main groups of Jews in India: The Baghdadis, the Bene Israels and Cochinis.

1.5. Muslims

1.5.1. They were treated as Untouchables, but had a strong military force

1.5.2. They developed a two tier hierarchy: Ajlaf Jat, Sharif Jat

1.5.3. They tried to force their religion on the Indians.

2. The Untouchables

2.1. Some people are trying to prevent violence against Dalits

2.1.1. The NCM in India investigates religious crimes against Dalits

2.1.2. They reason for these attacks is because of fear and hatred for the Dalits

2.1.3. 68,160 complaints in 2000 had been filed to the government about Dalit abuse

2.1.4. Even after ghandi was sure to include a section of the indian constitution "human rights" it has since not improved the rights of Dalits

2.2. The History of the Untouchables

2.2.1. They had no rights in society until the constitution was signed, they were still seen the same way though

2.2.2. The untouchables make up 18 to 20 percent of India's population

2.2.3. In less strict area, they were not allowed to be in any of the same buildings as the other 4 Varnas, but is strict areas, touching there shadow was unclean

2.3. Discrimination today against Dalits

2.3.1. they are now called "Dalits" meaning "oppressed" because they are constantly fighting the unfairness that they receive often

2.3.2. The discrimination towards the Dalits is one of the greatest social phenomenons of all time

2.3.3. They are still denied to use the same wells in Brahmin's villages

2.3.4. in 2000, 25,455 crimes were committed against Dalits

2.3.5. today, they mostly dwell in cites and villages outside of higher class people

3. Bibliography

4. The Beginning of the Caste System

4.1. The Aryan nomadic warriors came into northern India

4.1.1. They divided the indian people into separate castes

4.1.2. the castes that they made were unchangeable

4.1.3. the caste system reflects the Aryan way of thinking: First came the priests, then the warriors and then the merchants

4.1.4. The Aryans put themselves on the top of the Caste System, and the people that lived there on the bottom

4.2. How the caste system prospered

4.2.1. each caste was expected to fulfill their duty in order to have the other castes prosper as well.

4.2.2. It was held by law for the sub-continent and lasted two or three thousand years

4.2.3. It was supported by marriage, royal support, caste rules, and preferential treatment

4.2.4. They thought that a Hierarchy was natural, and that they needed to define purity and impurity.

4.2.5. Both Buddhism and Jainism tried to re-format the Caste System but both religions failed

4.3. The Hindus in the Caste System

4.3.1. Hindu rulers were a giant force, and if you were willing, you would be inducted into the caste system

4.3.2. The only time that the Hindu military was not at the highest power was when the british and the turks came in

4.3.3. The 4 Varnas were adopted by the Hindus

4.3.4. They made it so many of lifes choices were made for you like jobs and marriages

5. Caste System in Modern India

5.1. History of the transition from a caste system to modern day

5.1.1. Industrialization first encouraged mobility between castes this encouraged urbanization, more people moved to the cities even in cities today that have low and high class people, low class people are not allowed to be buried there because there ghost will pollute the area

5.1.2. The British government tried to get more rights more people in the lower class, but could not break the system

5.1.3. On November 29, 1949, the Indian constitution was passed that finally broke the caste system

5.2. How the old Caste System still affects people today

5.2.1. The Untouchables in communities today this includes not getting the same jobs as others, limited education, and having less resources In most low class areas, one household of women may only own one dress villagers that go into the city to look for jobs are usually encountered with people that desire to hurt them like mofia gangs A highly educated brahmin doctor will still wrap a Dalit with cloth before touching him/her There has been another term given to define Untouchables,Harijan

5.2.2. There are two kinds of Indians, the rich and the poor India's growing economy has made a clear line between the two groups. Today, people are not limited by who their family's are, they can work their way up to the job they desire. 90 percent of poor Indians are Dalits and 95 percent of illiterate Indians are Dalits those once artificial barriers between castes still has an affect on people today because the caste system played a huge role in society

6. Occupations in the Caste System

6.1. General Information

6.1.1. Within each Varna there is "Jet" in which each family passes down that specific occupation to their future generations.

6.1.2. Each Varna needs to fulfill their duty, the Hindus believe it is what makes the universe function

6.2. The 4 Varnas: Created by the Hindus

6.2.1. Vaishyas they are landlords and businessmen of the society They are motivated by material objects

6.2.2. The Brahmins They are priests and educated people of the society Like the Kashatria and the Vaisia, they are considered "twice born people". They are motivated by knowledge

6.2.3. Kshatriyas they are the ruler and the aristocrats in the society They are motivated by power

6.2.4. Shudras They are the peasants and working members of society. Even though they are the lowest of the 4 Varnas, they work in clean environments. They did not have the same social and economic rights as the other 3 Varnas, just as the Untouchables They are "unmotivated" people

6.3. Outside of the 4 Varnas

6.3.1. The Untoucahbles They are not have contact with the other 4 Varnas, they do not get the same job opportunities They were people that worked in unclean environments, they were seen as polluting and unclean people

6.3.2. Panchamas these are outcasts in India, they chose not to be part of the caste system they have caused serious crimes against the caste regulations that led to them being kicked out of Hindu society.

6.3.3. The Sannyasins they are not part of the caste system on purpose. They have decided to focus on self-realization some have become swamis who choose to not care about any orders of the caste system