Alternative proteins

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Alternative proteins por Mind Map: Alternative proteins

1. Alternative Protein Sources

1.1. Insect

1.1.1. Black Soldier Fly Black Soldier Fly Mindmap

1.1.2. Crickets

1.2. Plant

1.2.1. Soy

1.2.2. Wheat

1.2.3. Pea

1.2.4. Canola

1.2.5. Potato

1.2.6. Rice

1.2.7. Corn

1.2.8. Science of Plant-based Meet (GFI)

1.3. Microbial

1.3.1. Algae

1.3.2. Fungi

1.3.3. Mycoprotein

1.3.4. Yeast

1.3.5. Bacteria

1.4. Cell-based

2. Applications

2.1. Food & Beverage

2.2. Animal Feed

2.3. Nutraceuticals

3. Reports and quick reads

3.1. Feed Additive Magazine Global Alternative Proteins Market 12-23

3.2. Cargill Plant Protein Brochure

3.3. USDA Food And Nutrition Service Q&A

3.4. ADM Deep Dive (registration required)

4. Major Companies

4.1. GFI Company Database

5. Market Reports

5.1. Feed Additive Magazine Global Alternative Proteins Market 12-23

5.2. Good Food Institute Europe

5.3. F&A Alternatif Proteins Edition, March 2023 Issue – October 2023 Issue,

5.4. Meticulous Market Research Pvt. Ltd., Alternative Protein Market – Global Forecast to 2030, November 2023

5.5. Research and Markets, Alternative Protein Market by Type, Application, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2030, November 2023

5.6. DataM Intelligence, Alternative Proteins Market Size, Share, Industry, Forecast and Outlook (2023-2030), October 2023

5.7. InsightAce Analytic Pvt. Ltd., Alternative Proteins Market Share, Size, Growth and Forecast to 2031

6. News

6.1. Florida bans lab-grown meat

6.2. Plant based news source

6.3. New Food Magazine

7. Institutes and NPO

7.1. Good Food Institute

7.1.1. State of the industry report

7.2. Plant based Foods Association

7.2.1. 2023 State of the Marketplace Report (Members only)

7.3. North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture

7.4. Vegan Organic Network

7.5. EIT Foods

7.6. Bezos Earth Fund Future of Food

7.7. ProVeg

8. Videos

8.1. Alternative Proteins - Is this the food of our future? EIT Foods