Project Plan Te

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Project Plan Te por Mind Map: Project Plan Te

1. Risks

1.1. Lack of data accuracy

1.2. lack of security or regulatory compliance from lack of workflow

1.3. negative outcome of unethical operarional outcomes result in dangerous patient experiences

1.4. Inability to engage in decisions regarding porject challenges due to constraints in ability to make use of knowledge, skills or tools in team project decisions

2. Schedule

2.1. execution

2.2. monitor and control

3. Providing continuous educational opportunities or requiring cultural or tech seminar

4. Scope

4.1. Included resource elements

4.2. Excluded from quality control

5. Ll

6. Overview

6.1. External individuals impacted by the project plan

6.2. Description

6.3. Background

6.4. Patients, Sponsor, employees, external healthcare non-profit corporations, pharmacies, competotors, insurance companies, government, contract holders

7. Objectives should be clearly defined and broken down into phases for reduced workload and improved quality

8. Objectives

8.1. Improve health of surrounding environment by using a more collaborative and patient engagement tool for quality care outcomes

8.2. Providing continuous educational opportunities or requiring cultural or tech seminar

8.3. Improving time management with a focus on quality and cost of scope

8.4. streamlining workflow process

9. Constraints

9.1. Skills, knowledge and tools for optimal engagement and effort level

9.2. cross-ciltural contraints

9.3. Lack of platform for documenting vendor and patient contracts, intake forms, and billing informqtion using patient-centric using current standards in of required