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HELLP Syndrome por Mind Map: HELLP Syndrome

1. What are some complications?

1.1. FETUS

1.1.1. preterm birth

1.1.2. IUGR

1.1.3. low platelet count, amemia or other blood diorders

1.1.4. respiratory distress


1.2.1. bleeding and clotting problems

1.2.2. kidney failure

1.2.3. liver hemorrhage or liver failure

1.2.4. pulmonary edema

1.2.5. eclampsia

1.2.6. placental abruption

2. How is it diagnosed?

2.1. physical exam

2.1.1. abdominal, RUQ pain

2.1.2. leg swelling

2.2. complete blood count (CBC)

2.3. liver function test

2.4. kidney function test

2.5. SEVERE CASES: ultrasound or CT scan

2.5.1. to check for enlarged liver or bleeding

2.6. urine test

2.6.1. checking for protein in urine

3. How is it classified?

3.1. Class I

3.1.1. severe

3.2. Class II

3.2.1. moderate

3.3. Class III

3.3.1. mild

4. How is it managed/treated?

4.1. 34 weeks + w/severe symptoms = delivery ASAP

4.2. delivery is the only solution to treat condition completely

4.3. medication to lower BP

4.4. blood transfusion to treat low platelet levels

4.5. magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures

4.6. corticosteriods to help fetal lungs develop

4.7. blood tests to monitor liver function & platelet count

4.8. monitor fetus with BPP, nonstress test, and ultrasound

5. What are the symptoms?

5.1. RUQ pain

5.2. headache

5.3. blurred vision

5.4. nausea and vomiting

5.5. fatigue

5.6. edema and quick weight gain

5.7. pain w/ deep breathing

5.8. RARE CASES: uncontrolled nosebleeds, seizures or uncontrollable body shakes

6. What are the risk factors?

6.1. people w/ preeclampsia or eclampsia

6.2. hx of HELLP in prev pregnancy

6.3. older than 35

6.4. given birth at least once before

6.5. caucasian female

6.6. hx of kidney disease, diabetes, or HTN

7. What is it?

7.1. rare pregnancy complication that mainly affects your blood and liver

7.2. usually occurs during 3rd trimester (28 to 40 weeks)

7.3. can occur anytime in second half of pregnancy (20 weeks +)

7.4. can also develop in the 7 days after childbirth

8. H: Hemolysis

9. EL: Elevated liver enzymes

10. LP: Low platelet count

11. What causes it?

11.1. no known cause