Peer Leadership and Mentoring - To improve student attendance, engagement, and performance by int...

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Peer Leadership and Mentoring - To improve student attendance, engagement, and performance by introducing student leadership teams/activities and peer mentoring por Mind Map: Peer Leadership and Mentoring - To improve student attendance, engagement, and performance by introducing student leadership teams/activities and peer mentoring

1. Professional Development - equip teachers and peer leaders with skills to support the program

1.1. Hold workshops for teachers on mentoring, student engagement and leadership skills

1.2. Student leader training for effective mentoring procedures and skills

1.3. create a toolbox of resources and best practices for staff and student leaders

2. Budget Needs - funding to support the program

2.1. a developed budget to outline expenses for training, stipends, resources, and activities

2.2. identify potential sources such as grants and donations

2.3. system for tracking expenses to account for spending and receiving

3. Feeder School Inclusion Plan - early engagement of incoming students

3.1. Outreach programs with visits to feeder schools

3.2. Orientation for incoming students and parents to tell them about the program

3.3. Student leader visits for peer leaders to share experiences and build interest

4. Collaboration Plan - collaboration between all stakeholders to maintain the programs success

4.1. regular team meetings to discuss successes and challenges

4.2. encourage parents to participate in the program to support student involvement

4.3. community outreach with local businesses and organizations to provide resources and opportunities for students

5. Communication Plan - Consistent for all stakeholders and community sponsors

5.1. Community outreach

5.1.1. Newsletters with updates via school website and social media

5.1.2. Open meetings for all stakeholders and community

5.1.3. Surveys for community feedback

5.2. Teacher/stakeholder collaboration

5.2.1. Newsletter with updates sent to all stakeholders via paper, website, and social media

5.2.2. Informational meetings with stakeholders explaining goals, successes, and challenges

5.2.3. Surveys for stakeholders feedback

6. Data and Stakeholders - use of data to gauge progress and involve stakeholders in successes

6.1. data collection including attendance and academic engagement for participating students

6.2. review data with stakeholders and discuss improvements

6.3. provide regular reports on outcomes to stakeholders to maintain accountability and program transparency

7. Peer Mentoring Team, Event Coordinator Team, School Ambassadors, Community OutreachTeam, Communications Team