Early Experiences of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Navigating through Iden...

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Early Experiences of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Navigating through Identification, Intervention, and Beyond (Reynolds et al) por Mind Map: Early Experiences of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Navigating through Identification, Intervention, and Beyond (Reynolds et al)

1. Standard of 1-3-9 months: from screening, to ID, to interventions in place

1.1. Path 1 (quick ID): language scores average/+

1.2. Path 2 (slow ID): language scores vary

1.2.1. If lost to follow-up - what are the specific barriers?

2. Limited Access to Hearing Healthcare Services

2.1. Parents reported issues with professionals during hearing loss diagnosis

2.1.1. Parents reported pediatricians lacked hearing loss knowledge knowledge trust

2.1.2. Parents reported receiving insufficient information from professionals regarding next steps in process choices not feeling seen/supported terminology med terminology - overwhelm + i.e. hearing status vs. hearing loss

2.2. Parents reported lack of local hearing loss services

2.2.1. geography/travel The Road Taken - experience of recent immigrant families socioeconomic - lack of transportation

3. Parents Received Insufficient Information from Hearing Loss Professionals

3.1. Parents reported concerns over communication modality

3.1.1. audism

3.1.2. family centered approach communication with parents/siblings

3.2. Parents desired connections

3.2.1. Parents desired a connection with a family who had a child diagnosed with hearing loss parent guides - "next steps"

3.2.2. Parents desired a connection with a member of the Deaf community

3.2.3. lack of + stories/models/resources

4. Parents Reported Concerns about Their Child’s Development

4.1. Parents felt something was not right with their child’s hearing

4.1.1. Nice to Meet You video: parents know their child best

4.2. Parents reported guilt about not obtaining diagnosis sooner

5. Parents reported good experiences

5.1. Parents reported ease of having multiple services in one location

5.1.1. urban areas vs rural

5.2. ongoing + relationships with professionals