Evolution of Communication

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Evolution of Communication por Mind Map: Evolution of Communication

1. Ancient Communication

1.1. Cave Paintings

1.2. Petroglyphs

1.3. Indigenous Art and Symbols

1.4. Early Spoken Language

2. Ancient Writing Systems

2.1. Cuneiform

2.2. Egyptian Hieroglyphics

2.3. Alphabet Systems

3. Classical and Medieval Communication

3.1. Classical Languages

3.2. Manuscripts and Illuminations

3.3. Medieval Symbolism

4. Renaissance to Modern Era

4.1. Printing Press

4.2. Renaissance Art

4.3. Development of Maps

4.4. Early Modern Communication

5. Modern Communication

5.1. Verbal and Written Communication

5.2. Graphic Design and Digital Communication

6. Cryptography and Codes

6.1. Early Ciphers

6.2. Polyalphabetic Ciphers

6.3. WWII Cryptography

6.4. Modern Cryptography

6.5. Applications