How to Learn _Bloom's Revised Taxonomy _

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How to Learn _Bloom's Revised Taxonomy _ por Mind Map: How to Learn _Bloom's Revised Taxonomy _

1. Levels of **thinking**

2. **Result**

3. 1 - **Remember**

3.1. Memorizing

3.2. Rote Learning

3.3. Repeating

3.3.1. Flashcards

4. 1 - **Regurgitate**

4.1. Listing

4.2. Defining

4.3. Stating Facts

5. _Not the best way to retain what you learned _

6. 2 - **Understand**

6.1. Use the right way of thinking

7. 2 - **Explain**

7.1. Be able to answer question that requires our explanation

8. 3 - **Apply**

8.1. Simple problem solving

8.1.1. Use what you've learned to solve problems: e.g. use a math formula to solve a problem

8.2. Simple exercices practicing

9. 3 - **Simple Problem Solving**

9.1. 1 to 1 problem solving

9.1.1. A problem can be solved by applying one concept

10. 4 - **Analyze**

10.1. Comparing & Contrasting

10.2. Looking for **Similarities** and **Differences**

10.2.1. In relation to other piece of information

10.2.2. Tecniques Venn diagrams Tables Summaries Explain the similarities and differences Mind Maps Solving problems & questions

11. 4 - **Comparison**

11.1. Requires more mental effort

11.2. It can feel slower

11.2.1. misinterpreted-effort hypothesis

11.3. Doesn't feel as easy

12. Ask for ChatGPT to generate questions

12.1. using bloom's revised taxonomy levels (1-6)

13. 5 - **Evaluate**

13.1. Judgment

13.2. Ask questions

13.2.1. So what?

13.2.2. What does it matter?

13.2.3. Who cares?

13.2.4. Why is it important?

14. 5 - **Prioritize**

14.1. Justify

14.2. Making a decision

14.3. Takes much more effort

14.4. Things that help

14.4.1. mind maps

14.4.2. teaching

14.4.3. answering questions

14.4.4. creating summaries

15. 6 - **Create**

15.1. Creating a hypothesis

15.2. Synthesizing

15.3. Identify a gap in your knowledge

15.3.1. create an answer based on what you know

16. 6 - **Hypothesise**

17. Fast learning tips

17.1. Start at Level 5

17.1.1. Our brain will absorb lower levels along the way as a side-effect