Hayley believes

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Hayley believes por Mind Map: Hayley believes

1. Disney movies

1.1. Are simple

1.2. can reminds us we are all kids at heart we just have to find it.

1.3. Can teach us lessons that are easy to forget as we get older

2. Kids are the smartest humans

2.1. They haven't been exposed to the cruelness of the world

2.2. they are more free because they aren't as shy too say what they believe

2.3. lack of exposer gives then less bias beliefs

3. helping someone

3.1. Helping one another makes things easier

3.2. helping can make the world a better place

3.3. no one can do everything by their self

4. "don't judge a book by its cover"

4.1. You don't know everybody's story

4.2. by judging them you could seriously hurt them

4.3. "dont judge anyone till you judge yourself"

4.3.1. No body is perfect

5. Gay Marriage

5.1. Love is love

5.2. "everybody is equal"

5.3. its not "equal to allow straight people to have rights and not gays

6. Making someone smile

6.1. you could make someones day