Academic Intervention to Address Student Achievement

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Academic Intervention to Address Student Achievement por Mind Map: Academic Intervention to Address Student Achievement

1. Feeder Schools Inclusion: communicating and collaborating with feeder schools on curriculm, instruction, and assessment.

1.1. verticial alignment

1.2. common assessments

1.3. needs survey

1.4. collaborative meetings

2. Collaboration Plan: working with educators, students, parents, stakeholders, community members, and adminstrators to improve student academic achievement and work together to met the learner's and communities' needs.

2.1. home surveys

2.2. open-door policy

2.3. progress monitoring

2.4. regularly scheduled review meetings

2.5. student and peer reflection

3. Budget Needs: guarantees that the school can provide necessary assitance to all students to implement effective academic intervention.

3.1. student Chromebooks

3.2. teacher Chromebooks

3.3. StudySync subscription

3.4. Khan Academy subscription

3.5. technology materials

3.6. addtional instructional materials

4. Data and Stakeholders: collecting data to assess the effectiveness of intervention strategies and programs.

4.1. regular reveiw and discussion of data

4.2. summative and formal assessment

4.3. intervention program: StudySync

4.4. intervention program: Khan Academy

4.5. data points and graphs from intervention programs

5. Communication with Community: Educators, students, parents, stakeholders, and community members will be informed on the implementation, planning, revision, and progress of the school's intervention initiative.

5.1. school website

5.2. newsletters

5.3. progress reports

5.4. social media

5.5. scheduled meetings

6. Professional Development: continuous professional development for educators is essential for educators to collaborate, communicate, and develop their instructional expertise.

6.1. grade-level meetings

6.2. subject-area meetings

6.3. professional learning groups

6.4. educator-led workshops