
Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
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Characteristics por Mind Map: Characteristics

1. Silly

1.1. Always making others smile or laugh.

1.1.1. I put my friends before myself.

1.2. Making a fool of myself.

1.2.1. Just laugh it off.

2. Helpful

2.1. Volunteering

2.1.1. Children in classrooms.

2.2. Family

2.2.1. Chores

2.3. Friends

2.3.1. DRAMA

3. Respectful

4. Reliable

4.1. On time

4.2. Hardworking

5. Lazy

5.1. Procrastinate

5.1.1. ALWAYS waiting until the last minute.

6. Thoughtful

6.1. Respecting others feelings

7. Caring

7.1. Family

7.2. Friends

7.2.1. Making them feel better.

7.3. Children

7.3.1. classrooms