1. Be promoted
1.1. **What do I need?**
1.1.1. Soft Skills
1.1.2. Hard Skills
1.1.3. Certifications and Training
1.2. **Steps that I have to take**
1.2.1. Make sure the decision makers know that I want this position
1.2.2. Showcase that I am the right candidate for this position
1.2.3. Scale it as a measure of last resort.
2. Find a New Job
2.1. **What do I need?**
2.1.1. Soft Skills
2.1.2. Hard Skills
2.1.3. Certifications and Training
2.2. **Narrow down what you want**
2.2.1. Positions
2.2.2. Sectors
2.2.3. Companies
2.3. **Steps that I have to take**
2.3.1. Prepare your CV according to the position
2.3.2. Prepare for the interview according to the company.
3. Make a Career Change
3.1. **What kind of change are you looking for?**
3.1.1. Small Change (within areas) Option 01: inside the company Option 02: in another company
3.1.2. Medium change (different area with complementary knowledge) Courses you may have to take Build your portfolio (some areas)
3.1.3. Big changes (completely different sets of skills) Courses you may have to take Build your portfolio (some areas)
4. Be Expatriated
4.1. **4 Main Possibilites**
4.1.1. Within your company (easiest)
4.1.2. Studying abroad (and getting a work visa afterwards)
4.1.3. Through an immigration program
4.1.4. Apply directly (hardest, unless you work in a very specific area or is highly specialized in something)