The Economics of Open Source Hijacking... Andrea Ciffolilli

The Economics of Open Source Hijacking a Declining Quality of Digital Information Resources: A Case for Copyleft

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The Economics of Open Source Hijacking... Andrea Ciffolilli por Mind Map: The Economics of Open Source Hijacking... Andrea Ciffolilli

1. Creative Commons

1.1. Public Domain

1.1.1. "the body of intellectual endeavors unfettered by law"

1.2. The Commons

1.2.1. accessible without individual permission

1.2.2. License Options "Attribution" "Noncommercial" "No Derivative Works" "Share Alike"

2. Copyleft

2.1. positive aspects

2.2. negative aspects

3. Keywords

3.1. Viral nature

3.2. IPR

4. Copyright

4.1. positive aspects

4.2. negative aspects

5. Hijacking the Open Directory Project

5.1. definition of 'hijacking'

5.2. problem:

5.3. problem:

5.4. problem: