Corporate losses: Anti-avoidance

UK Corporate Losses: Anti avoidance provisions

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Corporate losses: Anti-avoidance by Mind Map: Corporate losses: Anti-avoidance

1. [Business carried on without a view to profit](

1.1. No loss offset if trade carried on uncommercially, no reasonable expectation of profits

1.2. [Case law and guidance](

2. [Transfer of deductions TAAR](

2.1. Aimed at structured transactions

2.2. Aimed at schemes transferring benefits of deductions to a new owner of a company

3. [Profit Transfer TAAR](

3.1. Complements transfers of deductions TAAR

3.2. Aimed at schemes that boost profits after a change in ownership to use losses/deductions

4. [Loss refreshing TAAR](

4.1. Mainly attacks schemes used pre-April 2017

5. [Disallowance on change in ownership](

5.1. [Change in ownership](

5.2. [Change conditions](

5.2.1. Increase in capital

5.2.2. Major change nature/conduct

5.2.3. Trade revival

5.2.4. Asset transferred in

5.2.5. Loss election - S171A

6. [Loss relief TAAR](

6.1. Arrangements to obtain a tax advantage

6.2. The arrangements seek to circumvent or exploit weaknesses in the limits of loss relief

7. [Arrangements to leave a group and temporary groups](

7.1. [Group relief restrictions](

7.2. Exclusions

7.3. [When arrangements come into effect](

7.4. Consortium relief